American Horror Story Review by Nadim S.

American Horror Story 4.06: Bullseye

American Horror Story 4.06: Bullseye

Written By:
John J. Gray
Directed By:
Howard Deutch

I was completely captivated by the first three seasons of American Horror Story, but something is painfully frustrating about this season. Maybe it's the fact that it's not actually scary? It feels like we're just witnessing a random (albeit an impeccably well-produce) drama that happens to take place in a circus.

I know that the show's ability to completely reinvent itself every season is impressive, but Freak Show feels completely off. I don't just find myself rushing to watch (or review) new episodes, and that's a real shame.

I want to say that Elsa is a fascinating character, but it's starting to feel like Jessica Lange is playing the manipulative selfish has-been every season (well, for two seasons in a row, at least). Sure, she's an absolutely phenomenal actress, but I wish she was playing  a role that was a tad different this season. Nevertheless, it was admittedly enjoyable to watch her break down and go completely berserk on her monsters culminating with her killing(?) her lover Paul (played to perfection by Mat Fraser).

Thankfully, Bette and Dot had a hilarious and demented storyline as they began to get used to Dandy and Gloria's luxury before discovering his dark side. Sarah Paulson continues to do spectacular work this season, and even the CGI doesn't annoy me nearly as much as it used to. Moreover, Dandy and Gloria's twisted dynamic is just ridiculously fun to watch, and they're definitely the twosome I most enjoy watching.

An effective albeit far from thrilling episode of American Horror Story. I may be in the minority here, but I'm just not feeling this season.
Our Grade:
The Good:
  • Bette and Dot's storyline
The Bad:
  • Elsa is turning out to be too similar to Lange's earlier roles on the series

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

American Horror Story by - 11/18/2014 5:51 AM368 views

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