Announcement by Bobby Blackwolf

VOG Panels and Events at Dragon Con 2013

VOG Panels and Events at Dragon Con 2013

Dragon Con (note the lack of the star in the name) was founded in 1987 in Atlanta, Georgia, and is considered the "largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on Science Fiction & Fantasy, Gaming, Comics, Literature, Art, Music, and Film in the Universe!" It takes place across five hotels over Labor Day Weekend, and is a traditional pilgrimage for many. A great documentary about what Dragon Con aired on PBS in 2011 called Four Days at Dragon Con, and is available in its entirety.

This year, the Voice of Geeks Network will have an official presence at Dragon Con, with many of our shows being represented in scheduled and unscheduled events around the convention.

The following are our scheduled appearances:

Saturday 5:30PM - VOG Network Supershow (Hilton 203)

We have been invited, as a part of the Dragon Con Podcast Track, to bring all of our shows together to introduce ourselves to those who don't know about us yet. Bobby Blackwolf from The Bobby Blackwolf Show, Rob Roberts from Orange Lounge Radio, Travis Donovan from Under Sedation Live!, Brad and Adam from PodCulture: Equal Opportunity Geekness, and Gary from Critical Myth are slated to be on hand to talk about VOG, how we try to be a little bit different from other podcast networks, being podcasters for a very long time, being at Dragon Con (some for the first time!), and perhaps some announcements about VOG. The audio from this panel will be put on The Bobby Blackwolf Show's podcast feed, complete with a special passphrase that drops limited time Loot on!

Sunday 5:30PM - 2013 Parsec Awards (Hyatt Regency V)

The Parsec Awards is a celebration of speculative fiction podcasting, and has been taking place at Dragon Con since 2006. Podcast shows are nominated by fans, and finalists are chosen by a yearly steering committee. Those finalists are then voted on by an independent panel of judges from outside of podcasting.

PodCulture is a previous winner of Parsec awards, and is nominated once again for Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (General) and we will be there to support them in their quest for more trophies above the fireplace.

In addition to supporting our own, Bobby, Rob, and Travis have been invited to present an award later in the program. How will we get to "And the nominees are?" You'll just have to show up and find out.

Update: Brad from PodCulture is ALSO presenting an award, however he is not presenting it WITH US so he is earlier in the program. (We love you, Brad!)

Monday 11:30AM - Streaming Podcasts Panel (Hilton 203)

The end of the Con will feature Bobby (officially) and Rob (we hope to pull him on stage) on a roundtable discussion on streaming podcasts, ranging from Ustream, Justin/Twitch, YouTube, and Shoutcast. Wind down your Con experience with us talking shop! This panel will be recorded and put online by the Dragon Con Podcast Track folks.

Outside Of Those Times...

Be sure to follow us on Twitter to find where we will be throughout the Con. The Board Game area is a good place to find us (we're villagers, we swear) but if you want to meet up with us, reach out to us! We'd love to meet you!

Bobby Blackwolf is the host of The Bobby Blackwolf Show on the VOG Network, lead developer of the website, and lead GM for VOG: The Game. Follow him on Twitter at @BobbyBlackwolf

Announcement by - 8/26/2013 2:50 PM1234 views


8/26/2013 4:04 PM

1 0

Just wanted to add that our very own Gary from Jacksonville, co-host of Critical Myth, is part of the Steering Committee for the Parsecs!
8/26/2013 6:27 PM

1 0

That's pretty cool, Will have to check these out, Plus looking forward to the live show you guys have plan over the weekend.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
8/26/2013 7:40 PM

2 0

We...have a live show planned?

We aren't doing any live streaming from Dragon Con this year. It didn't work out too well last year, remember?
8/27/2013 5:23 AM

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I don't know if remember what it was called since I think Travis had something to do with it.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
8/27/2013 8:46 AM

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The reason you don't remember is because VOG is not doing a live stream. If we were, it would have been included in this announcement.
8/31/2013 6:06 PM

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I did tune into the live feed, but was having problems. Don't know if anyone else was? The stream kept dropping, but it could have been my end as I've just had new carpet fitted, and haven't set everything back up, so I was on Wi-Fi.
9/2/2013 6:10 AM

1 0

Sadly they indicated to us they were having some dropouts-- good ol hotel wifi!

Our "surprise" announcement was a new addition to our radi network- Electric Sistahood which was on twitter and Facebook so I'm sure most of you heard by now (and there will be more promo on the site next week)

As far as the reminiscing and stories and gummi bears, the full recording will go into Bobby Blackwolfs feed later this week.
9/3/2013 10:21 AM

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Sorry, was meant to hit reply to my comment down there.
9/3/2013 10:12 AM

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Oooh ESH from the other network, I remember them, they have a magazine (the last time I listened to them anyway). Will it be a live show? Hopefully they still have the magazine going which will give VOG more promotion.

I saw he was eating gummi bears, but figured he hasn't had anything to eat at the Con.

Can't wait to listen to the panel though, damn hotel wifi!
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
9/4/2013 10:46 AM

1 0

To clarify because there has been some misunderstanding regarding "from the other network" - ESH ended their affiliation with them before we discussed anything specific. We've never been interested in "poaching" contrary to what some manufactured e-drama has claimed over the past few days since the announcement.
9/4/2013 11:42 AM

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E-drama on the Internet, and people getting upset at the 2DS? Never! But yeah, that's what people are going to assume, when they were associated with another network, and spreading rumours before knowing the facts. Don't see why everyone can't get a bong...I mean along.

I'd never ever suspect VOG of poaching, you guys are bigger and better than that.
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