VOG Network at Dragon Con 2014
It's that time of year again - DRAGON CON in Atlanta! This is as close to VOGCon as you'll get, and we're pleased to announce that MANY of our VOG Network hosts will be participating in an official capacity at this year's partyshow. We've put together a list of ALL of our appearances, but I'm sure you'll find us wandering around at other times...
1PM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - Podcasting Track Kick Off (Bobby Blackwolf)
7PM - Marriott M301-M302 (American Sci-Fi and Fantasy Media) - Game of Thrones: Loosing the Chains (John, Critical Myth)
5:30PM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - The New Media Breakdown: Past, Present, and Future (Bobby Blackwolf)
2:30PM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - Building a Podcast Network from Scratch (Bobby Blackwolf, Rob Roberts)
5:30PM - Marriott M301-M302 (American Sci-Fi and Fantasy Media) - Arrow: Shot to the Heart (John, Critical Myth)
5:30PM - Hyatt Regency V (Podcasting) - 2014 Parsec Awards (Bobby Blackwolf, Rob Roberts, Travis Donovan are presenting around 7PM, PodCulture is up for two awards)
11:30AM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - VOG Network: Participating, Not Just Listening (Everyone we can find)
11:30AM - Sheraton Macon (BritTrack) - British Audios (Brian, British Invaders)
(Yes, we have overlapping panels. It's unfortunate, but choose which one you want to see. We won't be offended!)
In years past, the Podcasting track has offered a livestream of their panels, and we are proud to say that our VOG Network Supershow last year was the most attended streaming panel, even if we didn't get that many people in the room. Stay tuned to our Twitter and we'll update you on if there will be any live streaming this year.
The podcasting track releases a podcast feed of all of their panels, and the VOG Network: Participating, Not Just Listening panel will be featured on the podcast feed of The Bobby Blackwolf Show immediately following Dragon Con.
We hope to see you there, either in person, or virtually!
1PM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - Podcasting Track Kick Off (Bobby Blackwolf)
7PM - Marriott M301-M302 (American Sci-Fi and Fantasy Media) - Game of Thrones: Loosing the Chains (John, Critical Myth)
5:30PM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - The New Media Breakdown: Past, Present, and Future (Bobby Blackwolf)
2:30PM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - Building a Podcast Network from Scratch (Bobby Blackwolf, Rob Roberts)
5:30PM - Marriott M301-M302 (American Sci-Fi and Fantasy Media) - Arrow: Shot to the Heart (John, Critical Myth)
5:30PM - Hyatt Regency V (Podcasting) - 2014 Parsec Awards (Bobby Blackwolf, Rob Roberts, Travis Donovan are presenting around 7PM, PodCulture is up for two awards)
11:30AM - Hilton 203 (Podcasting) - VOG Network: Participating, Not Just Listening (Everyone we can find)
11:30AM - Sheraton Macon (BritTrack) - British Audios (Brian, British Invaders)
(Yes, we have overlapping panels. It's unfortunate, but choose which one you want to see. We won't be offended!)
In years past, the Podcasting track has offered a livestream of their panels, and we are proud to say that our VOG Network Supershow last year was the most attended streaming panel, even if we didn't get that many people in the room. Stay tuned to our Twitter and we'll update you on if there will be any live streaming this year.
The podcasting track releases a podcast feed of all of their panels, and the VOG Network: Participating, Not Just Listening panel will be featured on the podcast feed of The Bobby Blackwolf Show immediately following Dragon Con.
We hope to see you there, either in person, or virtually!
Bobby Blackwolf is the host of The Bobby Blackwolf Show on the VOG Network, lead developer of the website, and lead GM for VOG: The Game. Follow him on Twitter at @BobbyBlackwolf
8/29/2014 10:02 AM