Announcement by Bobby Blackwolf

VOG Invades the PlayStation Home Summer Fest

VOG Invades the PlayStation Home Summer Fest

VOG is excited to announce that we are invading PlayStation Home by way of the PlayStation Home Summer Fest 2012 later this month!

The PlayStation Home Summer Fest features some of the top known clubs and organizations that inhabit PlayStation Home, the free social gathering place available to all PlayStation Network subscribers. Each night, from July 23rd to the 30th, a different club or organization will host an event in a different public space within Home. The VOG Network is hosting "VOG Invasion" on Sunday, July 29th, starting at 8PM ET/5PM PT.

On Episode 345 of The Bobby Blackwolf Show, we announced our participation with Skull King from The Home Life, who is putting on the event. He appeared on the show at roughly 30 minutes in to discuss what's going on, and talked about Home in general.

This event is not officially sanctioned by Sony, but we're hoping to make enough noise for them to take notice. Currently, along with VOG Network, other nights are being hosted by Players Social View, The Home Life, PS Home Gazette, Mew Happenings, Louisiana Hurricanes, The Daily PlayStation, PSGamers, The Rich Girls of Home, and DIAMOND'Z & PLATINUM'Z.

To keep up with the week long event, like the Facebook Fan Page, keep up with the thread on the Official PlayStation Forums, and add the PSN ID HomeEventBot to your friends list. The HomeEventBot user will be in the instance that Summer Fest is taking place (including ours), so when you open to PlayStation Home, just join that friend from the in-game Navigator. The space in each instance is limited, so it's best to get in early!

The VOG Invasion

The Event Stage
The Event Stage
We still believe that the only thing you can ever do in Home is the Running Man. That's why we're invading...To do the Running Man. We're told there's much more to do than that, but there will be Running Men. Our event will take place in the Aurora 1.5 public space, which contains daily quests to obtain Home items and even has its own leveling system. When you enter the space, go through the first light tunnel, and to your right you will see a platform with a lot of trippy lights on it. That's where we'll be, probably doing the Running Man, on Sunday, July 29th at 8PM ET/5PM PT.

Our live broadcasts of The Bobby Blackwolf Show and Orange Lounge Radio will be incorporating the local chat from PlayStation Home into our broadcasts. Rob Roberts will be in Home during The Bobby Blackwolf Show relaying chat comments to Bobby, and Bobby Blackwolf will be in Home during OLR relaying chat comments to them. We hope to have some Home related surprises on our broadcasts, so stay tuned!

Also, as an incentive to join us on Sunday, VOG Participant extraordinaire I3linder is donating a $20 PSN Wallet card to be given away during our event. During the joint call between Bobby and OLR at the end of The Bobby Blackwolf Show, we will ask a trivia question on the stream...And the first person to yell out the answer IN THE AURORA 1.5 LOCAL CHAT will win the code! (The winner will be determined by I3linder - whichever comment shows up on his screen first will be determined the winner.)

We hope you'll join MANY of the events taking place during the week in PlayStation Home!

Why We Do It: The Running Man!
Why We Do It: The Running Man!

Official Event Trailer - notice the Running Man at 0:36...We did!

Bobby Blackwolf is the host of The Bobby Blackwolf Show on the VOG Network, lead developer of the website, and lead GM for VOG: The Game. Follow him on Twitter at @BobbyBlackwolf

Announcement by - 7/17/2012 7:21 AM1093 views


7/17/2012 8:13 AM

2 0

I'm game! Now all I got to do is reinstall Home on my PS3!
7/17/2012 9:50 AM

1 0

It'll be great to see you there
7/17/2012 12:08 PM

1 0

Heh...I think I have more than enough drivespace now...I just installed a 1TB drive in my backwards compatible PS3 a few eeks ago. (that is the one HUGE plus the PS3 has over the 360...easy and cheap to replace the harddrive)
7/17/2012 12:12 PM

2 0

WOW! That's a lot of Running Man room. Be sure to send VOGNETWORK a club invite
7/17/2012 8:06 AM

1 0

This should be a lot of fun.
7/17/2012 8:49 AM

1 0

Wait...? A $20 dollar whua.. JK
7/17/2012 2:26 PM

1 0

If I had a PS3, I would've definitely participate.

But anyways, it's great that Home has some good stuff in it despite not being that big of a success for Sony.
7/17/2012 11:50 PM

1 0

Don't have PS3, but sure will be there for the live coverage!
7/18/2012 5:56 PM

0 0

Am I gonna have to actually log into Playstation Home for the first time since....well...the launch of Home?
7/29/2012 9:26 AM

0 0

Tonight's the night. :)
7/29/2012 6:43 PM

0 0

Crap, my PS3 isn't even set up and I joke woke up from a super-long nap! x_x
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