Announcement by Bobby Blackwolf

E3 2013 Interactive Coverage at the Voice of Geeks Network

E3 2013 Interactive Coverage at the Voice of Geeks Network

We don't want to be the FIRST place you go to find the latest E3 news and scoops...We want to be the SECOND.

Have you ever read a preview at a large gaming site about a game you're excited about, and you have a question that wasn't answered? Have the quick overviews left you wanting to know more specific details, but were missed because the reporter had to move to another appointment?

Have you ever wished you could ask those questions yourself?

Now you can - at!

We'll admit it - we don't have the capability to be the all-encompassing news source that provides up-to-the-minute coverage of a large trade show like E3, so we won't try to do that. What we CAN do is be the FOLLOWUP to those other sites doing the all-encompassing coverage. Bobby Blackwolf will be on the E3 show floor and will be connected to VOG and will be at your command to ask whatever followup question or clarification you may have.

We can't guarantee answers - sometimes there will be no comment, sometimes we might not be able to find someone who knows the answer...But, we'll try.

THE CATCH: We're your second source for the news, not the first. This means that it's up to you to do some initial research. We're on the show floor with limited connectivity, you're sitting at home on your computer. You'll have to determine which booth the game you're asking about is in (use Google!), find that booth on our site, and ask your question attached to that booth. If your question is good or great, you'll get Points and Loot here at VOG! (If it sucks, you get nothing.)

You don't have to log into the site to read the updates, but you DO have to be a Registered Participant to be able to interact with the other users as well as Bobby Blackwolf on the show floor!  The ability to interact will begin following the Sony Press Conference on Monday evening and will continue until an hour before the close of the show floor on Thursday.

Start your E3 experience at now!

Bobby Blackwolf is the host of The Bobby Blackwolf Show on the VOG Network, lead developer of the website, and lead GM for VOG: The Game. Follow him on Twitter at @BobbyBlackwolf

Announcement by - 6/2/2013 6:22 PM907 views


6/3/2013 11:33 PM

1 0

I really like this new addition to the site. It will really brings the E3 experience directly to us the gamer in more ways than many of the major gaming news sites can do.

On another note i hope Bobby has a good pair of shoes for all the questions he will be asking across the show floor. Because i would think this undertaking will be huge.

Also be prepared for NHL14 questions :P
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
6/4/2013 11:57 AM

1 0

I can't wait to ignore the majority of them ;)
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