Arrow Review by Nadim S.

Arrow 2.18: Deathstroke

Arrow 2.18: Deathstroke

Written By:
Marc Guggenheim and Drew Z. Greenberg
Directed By:
Guy Bee

This season, Arrow's writing team has done an immaculate job of juggling a number of compelling storylines that are now slowly approaching collision. Slade's ascension into the role as the show's Big Bad has been an absolute highlight (Manu Bennett kills every scene), and with Brother Blood and Isobel Rochev by his side, we've got an awesome team of baddies to clash with Team Arrow as the finale draws near.

A hero is only ever as good as the obstacles he faces, and I loved that Deathstroke managed to break Oliver down to his core. This emphasized the importance of Ollie's core team (Felicity and Diggle) and it was enormously satisfying to see the trio bonding again. And with Roy seemingly off on his own (he leaves town at the end of the hour), and Sara starting to butt heads with the gang, things are bound to get thrilling.

I've always been astounded at the rate in which Arrow reveals Ollie's secret to the cast (Tommy discovering the truth was a particularly epic moment), so imagine my surprise when Slade walked up to Laurel's door and dropped the monumental bombshell. I have a feeling that is the moment Laurel becomes a truly integral part of the show, and really starts to come into her own as a character. Writers, that was incredibly well played!

Willa Holland hasn't gotten much to do this year, but that all changed with Thea's kidnapping. Holland pulled off her character's predicament perfectly, and it culminated with her finally learning the truth about her paternity. I can't wait to see where this development takes us now that Thea has lost faith in absolutely everyone in sight. Could a villainous turn be in the cards for the little Queen?  Somehow, that doesn't sound like the craziest of ideas (particularly with her daddy being the show's first true Big Bad). Speaking of Malcom, is it too much to ask for a return appearance before the season is over?

The cinematography and the use of shadows as Canary, Arrow and Roy surrounded Slade was top-notch. And Ollie tranquilizing Slade and getting him arrested was pretty smart.   Stephen Amell was exceptional during the jail scene. You could totally see the desperation in Ollie's eyes as he practically started begging and pleading with Slade for Thea's return. Plus the whole scene was bookended by Slade hilariously announcing that he's not one to "hold a grudge."

I wish Ollie's face-off with Isabel was longer. Didn't he apprehend her a tad too easily? Still, finally Summer Glau has something to do; she was woefully underutilized in the first half of the year. And what grudge does she hold with Papa Queen exactly? I guess we'll find out soon enough. 

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • Slade's plan is perfectly executed
  • The internal conflicts are logically chaotic
  • What will Laurel do now?!?
The Bad:
  • Isabel's betrayal was a bit too easily facilitated

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Arrow by - 4/7/2014 7:03 AM182 views

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