Arrow Review by Nadim S.

Arrow 3.04: The Magician

Arrow 3.04: The Magician

Written By:
Wendy Mericle and Marc Guggenheim
Directed By:
John Behring

Last season, Katrina Law made her Arrow debut in one of the show's finest episodes ever, "Heir To The Demon". I'm happy to report that the show's 50th episode, while not as spectacular, also proved to be an incredibly exciting affair.

The biggest thing "The Magician" has going for it is how effectively it widens the scope of the show. After a whole lot of foreshadowing over the course of two seasons, the episode culminated with Nyssa paying her infamous father, Ra's Al Ghul, a visit. I have high hopes for the DC super villain, and I'm optimistic that the show will be able to top (or at least rival) Slade's epic turn as the second season's outstanding antagonist. 

The Hong Kong flashbacks finally became substantial in this episode with Waller ordering Ollie to kill a man who was revealed to be Fryer's handler. We also got some fascinating reveals with the confirmation that it was indeed Amanda Waller who ordered the infamous plane shot down (because she was after China White of all people).

I'm all for Kelly Hu returning to Arrow, and hopefully she'll get some development this time because apart from some great action beats, we really don't know much about her. Nevertheless, I love that all three seasons of the show are starting to interlock with an overarching storyline that's slowly but surely bringing everything together.

Nyssa Al Ghul continues to be the coolest badass around. I genuinely hope we see her on a very regular basis this season because she brings out fresh dynamics from the entire cast. Whether she's blaming Ollie, or belittling Laurel's new hero trajectory (before finally spurring her on), Katrina Law seamlessly blends into the show's world. She's also unapologetic in her quest for vengeance, which is extremely refreshing when we're constantly dealing with Ollie's inner turmoil and guilt. Hopefully she'll be the one to uncover Sara's killer, as it's looking pretty likely that Malcolm was right and Nyssa's father is the one responsible. 

Moreover, it's fascinating to watch Thea and Oliver's relationship evolve. Both Queens think they have the upper hand, and yet unbeknownst to one another, they're both still harbouring a whole lot of secrets that are bound to create an even bigger rift between the pair. I for one am more than eager to see Thea further delve into the dark side and became one of the show's baddies. As far as as I'm concerned, this cast is now finally free of any weak links as every character now has a purpose. 

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • The entire cast is finally bringing their A game
  • Nyssa's return is as powerful as it needed to be
  • The scope widens, even as the cohesiveness of the series deepens
The Bad:
  • Will China White prove to be a compelling enough hook for the flashbacks?

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Arrow by - 11/3/2014 8:37 AM118 views

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