Arrow Review by Henry Tran

Arrow 3.08: The Brave and The Bold

Arrow 3.08: The Brave and The Bold

Written By:
Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim, and Grainne Godfree
Directed By:
Jesse Warn

These two Arrow/The Flash crossover episodes surprisingly have fundamental differences between them. It does help that the shows do share some of the same DNA so the differences are mainly philosophical in nature. This is somewhat unheard of in the comic book onscreen genre. Yes, we can still boil down the differences between Marvel and DC as one being largely fun (Marvel) and one being really serious (DC). Whereas The Flash's crossover "Flash vs. Arrow" dealt mainly in the physical arena (with an actual physical fight between the two main heroes), "The Brave and the Bold" asks questions about a hero's purpose and the methodologies they employ in order to get things done.

As The Flash is the newer show, they don't have to go too far to plainly demonstrate the physical differences between Barry and Oliver. Oliver has the task of dropping by so that he can espouse some wisdom to the younger, more cock-sure protege. Arrow is a show that's older and has a much more established narrative and tone that has been honed in its three season run so far. The purpose of the Flash episode was to get the two heroes into the fight. The villain that was fought there became a dismissed afterthought.

The purpose of this episode is in trying to catch and stop a trained killer. While Barry can afford to dismiss the meta-humans he takes on each week largely because he has his super speed and on the strength of his collective support system at STAR Labs, Oliver has to deal with more dangerous real world threats.

Unlikely as it may sound, the episode actually highlights the stark tonal differentials between both shows. To Barry, this is all still fun and games, which is an extension of his acquisition of his speed powers. Being a hero is something new and fresh to him, and there's nothing to really suppress that exuberance in his world. By the same token, Oliver has been through a lot that Barry doesn't really know about. The missing five years has hardened him, and this episode fully acknowledges that. The great thing is that the episode acknowledges every viewpoint that has likely been talked about with both of these shows without dipping into the issues that drag down either.

It's a slow build-up from the start -- and both Barry and Oliver get to show the other how the opposite sides operate -- and then the hammer is struck down. Barry sees that Oliver employs a torture technique that involves inflicting pain on someone to get the information that he needs. It's a walk in the park for Oliver. For Barry, it's like his innocent view of the world has been shattered. His friend may just be the embodiment of everything that his mentors -- Joe and Dr. Wells -- warned him about. It's a naive point of view that comes from inexperience in these kinds of situations.

Team Flash is busy giving cool codenames to the people they're fighting while Oliver has had to deal with a city constantly under siege from any number of threats. So, as we see here and in the Hong Kong flashbacks as well, Oliver has to resort to the most extreme measures (my nominee for an alternate title to the episode) to get the job done. And it's not just Barry that gets this dose of reality thrust upon him. It comes for Caitlin and Cisco when Harkness attacks the foundry ("Arrow Cave" according to both Cisco and Roy) and nearly mortally wounds Lyla.

Yes, there is a time where being a secret superhero can be fun. They are doing things that regular people would only dream about. But superhuman abilities cannot combat the permanence of death. There also has to be the acknowledgement of the seriousness of what they're doing. The trick is to balance both of those poles out. Barry does learn from Oliver about battle tactics and not rushing headlong into danger, and while Oliver is the seasoned hero, he does also get to learn and even embrace the fun side of that.

Even if Lyla awkwardly shoehorned the theme into the episode, it is right there for everyone to see: Barry embodies the "brave" notion of being the symbol of hope against those who would have surprassed human limitations; Oliver is the "bold" one, able to carry out those measures that would otherwise tarnish the beacons of hope. This is a capable, at times effortless, demonstration of the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches in how to achieve the same goal.

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • Solid exploration of the tonal differences between the heroes and shows
  • They managed to make Captain Boomerang work as a villain!
The Bad:
  • The theme is somewhat shoehorned into the episode

Henry Tran is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @HenYay

Arrow by - 12/8/2014 8:05 AM137 views

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