Arrow 3.10: Left Behind
Marc Guggenheim and Erik Oleson
Glen Winter
Over the past few weeks, the Arrow producers have made it their job to hype up the show's return as something completely different. After all, Oliver Queen is out of action, and it's time for the rest of the cast to step up to the plate. In theory, this episode was a necessary one, but it sadly wasn't as exciting as I was hoping it would be.
First, the good stuff. After two years of frustrating storylines, Katie Cassidy finally got what she was hoping for as Laurel Lance assumed the mantle of Black Canary once and for all. Although her introduction was enormously brief (the good stuff lies in the promo for the next episode), I thought Katie's first scene in the suit was a memorable one. And since she's still not half the fighter that Sara was, her using the Canary Cry (the coolest sonic weapon ever) makes her vigilantism all the more believable and thrilling. I genuinely can't wait to see Laurel interact with Team Arrow and grow into the hero she's always been destined to become. And let's be real, Cassidy's been waiting for material like this since the pilot, and she's been woefully underused since then.
Interestingly enough, the episode's single strongest scene was the heartfelt discussion between Diggle and Laurel. These two barely interacted in three seasons, so it was an utter delight to watch Diggle poignantly reveal his feelings of inadequacy for failing to protect Oliver. And Laurel hugging the big guy as a response? Let's just say I got kind of teary eyed during that extremely touching embrace. It would do Arrow a hell of a lot of good to explore new dynamics such as this one in Oliver's absence.
All season long, the Hong Kong flashbacks have failed at creating a truly cohesive and enthralling storyline (particularly when compared to the island scenes in the show's first two seasons). Thankfully, Tatsu's kidnapping elevated the proceedings, as Ollie proved his heroism by planting a GPS on one of China White's men (which ultimately ensured Tatsu's survival). This act of kindness is what saved Ollie in present day as Maseo saved Ollie and dropped him off at Tatsu's for a speedy recovery. I gotta, say, this is the first time in a long time that I found myself impressed by the show's dual narratives.
Sadly, I've kind of lost interest in Ray Palmer, which also doesn't bode well for the supposed Atom spinoff. His dynamic with Felicity bores me, and I didn't appreciate the blonde getting so much focus. I know she's a beloved character, but I always found Olicity to be a far-from-organic pairing. Thus, I wasn't terribly moved by Felicity's struggles (of course Emily Bett Richards was stellar as always). Here's hoping Ray will suit up soon and give this storyline the shot in the arm that it so sorely needs.
In addition, I'm not entirely sold on Brick as a villain. Vinnie Jones did an adequate enough job with the role, but his kill-me-and-survive shtick with the gun felt like a cheap comic book gimmick that Arrow might have employed in the first season. Thankfully, the stakes were effectively raised in the episode's final moments as Brick took control of an entire army in his plans to overthrow The Glades. And hey, Team Arrow needs to kick someone's ass, right?
Two other elements worth mentioning. First, the action was seriously on point. From Thea and Malcolm's expertly-choreographed sword fight to Arsenal and Diggle kicking major ass throughout the hour, the cinematography and staging was astounding. Second, the musical score by Blake Neely was exceptional - emotional and haunting in all the right places.
- It's great to see the dual narratives dovetail like this!
- Laurel is finally going to get some stronger material, it seems
- Great action throughout, despite Oliver's absence
- Ray Palmer isn't making a case for a spinoff devoted to his character at this point