Arrow Review by Nadim S.

Arrow 3.20: The Fallen

Arrow 3.20: The Fallen

Written By:
Wendy Mericle and Oscar Balderrama
Directed By:
Mark Mylod

I don't know why I feel so disconnected from the proceedings, but everything leading up to Ollie finally assuming the mantle of Ra's Al Ghul felt extremely anticlimactic. The development simply didn't feel earned or satisfying, and that's an enormous problem when your season's entire arc hinges on such a twist. That's not to say this wasn't a hell of an entertaining hour, but it's a far cry from the impeccable narrative that drove the second season’s Slade arc. 

Although I'm far from an "Olicity" shipper, I must admit that their union was pulled off quite nicely. I liked the idea of them finally doing it in Nanda Parbat, although the fact that Ra's basically pimped them out was somewhat laughable and forced. I seriously doubt this coupling will ever truly work, but “The Fallen” at least allowed Felicity to remind us what a formidable character she could be. Instead of being whiny and annoying (like she has been all season), Emily Rickards got to have some fun bossing around everyone in sight while successfully pulling one over on Ollie and knocking him out with that "crazy priest lady powder".

And let's all take a moment and praise Stephen Amell for his gut-wrenching performance in this episode. From finding Thea's fallen body and sobbing in the hospital room, to finally giving in to Ra's demands and bidding each of his friends goodbye, Amell had a lot to work with and he pulled off the entire spectrum of emotions in a stellar manner. He surely has come a long way as a performer.

As for Thea, it was promising when she hopped out of the Lazarus Pit like a wild beast and attacked Ollie, but the only ramifications of her near-death experience by the episode's end seemed to consist of mild amnesia and general soreness. Here's hoping the writers run with this storyline and give the character a complete transformation that makes her a worthy part of the show. Three seasons in and she's still the weakest link; I feel that's all about to change.

Finally we were subjected to more useless flashbacks as Ollie, Maseo and Tatsu tried to prevent General Shriever's biological attack (and ultimately failed to do so as that pesky vial broke in slow-motion). Thankfully we at least got some crazy action including a gripping car chase and some Tatsu katana-slicing. Otherwise, I've lost faith in this season's flashbacks truly amounting to anything substantial. Take me back to the island!

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • The moments between Oliver and Felicity were well-handled
  • Amell’s performance in this episode was absolutely solid
The Bad:
  • Thea remains something of a weak link
  • The flashbacks this season have been disappointing, to say the least

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Arrow by - 4/27/2015 8:23 AM215 views

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