Arrow Review by Nadim S.

Arrow 4.12: Unchained

Arrow 4.12: Unchained

Written By:
Speed Weed and Beth Schwartz
Directed By:
Kevin Fair

Although this was a relatively well-constructed hour of Arrow, I can't seem to shake the feeling that the series is turning into "The Felicity Smoak Show". I get that she's romantically involved with Oliver now, but does she need to be at the center of everything?   

For me, the best thing about “Unchained” was the monumental return of the badass Katrina Law as Nyssa Al Ghoul. She's been one of Arrow's standout characters for over two seasons now, and it boggles my mind that she still hasn't become a series regular. Her jailbreak in the teaser alone was stronger than anything the fourth season has produced thus far, and it's a pity she didn't get more screen-time throughout the rest of the episode. Here's praying she takes center-stage in the next installment with her cliffhanger proposition (Malcolm's death in exchange for the Lotus flower - a convenient deus ex machina and a cure for the Lazarus Pit).  

All complaints about Felicity aside, it was still enjoyable to see her find her inner strength and adapt to her new reality. The episode was an effective showcase of her fighting spirit and resilience as she capably represented Palmer Tech while dually kicking ass with Team Arrow. In addition, it looks like Miss Overwatch will be getting a juicy storyline in the form of a supervillain father (The Calculator). It's just sad that this twist had been rumoured for over a year. No surprise there!

Sadly, Roy's return was as useless as the character had ever been. Even when he was a series regular, the writers never quite knew what to do with the character, and it's almost laughable to see that some things never change. The one bright side? His final scene with Thea which almost brought tears to my eyes. It just goes to show that both Willa Holland and Colton Haynes are capable of greatness if provided with the right material. Wonderfully touching.

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • Everything to do with Nyssa
  • Felicity is getting a solid storyline…
The Bad:
  • …but is the show focusing too much on Felicity?
  • The writers still have no idea what to do with Roy

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Arrow by - 2/8/2016 6:49 AM442 views

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