Arrow Review by Nadim S.

Arrow 4.15: Taken

Arrow 4.15: Taken

Written By:
Marc Guggenheim, Keto Shimizu, and Brian Ford Sullivan
Directed By:
Gregory Smith

Fresh off her animated web-series (also set in the Arrow-verse), Megalyn Echikunwoke made her live-action debut this week as Vixen, and proved to be an intriguing addition to the show's world. You'd think a voice actress wouldn't have the most success in front of the camera, but she was just splendid in the role. Sure, she was saddled with some truly terrible exposition ("Without this necklace, I'm just a wannabe fashion designer who lives with her foster dad"), but all in all, I would qualify the character's first appearance as a success. Plus, her powers add a fun mystical twist to the show (albeit cheaply showcased).   



Then there's that ending. How heavy-handed was it to have Felicity literally walk out on Oliver as she regained sensation in her legs, just in time for their break-up? Sure, it was entertaining in a soap opera kind of way, but I would have hoped Arrow was better than that. Thankfully, the scene at least followed a touching performance by Stephen Amell as he filmed a break-up video of his own with his son William.


And finally, it definitely feels like it's time for Malcolm to get killed off. The character has outlived his usefulness, and I can only handle Team Arrow sparing his life for so long before things get unrealistic. Here's hoping the character is done by the end of the fourth season; enough is enough!


Some additional thoughts: Curtis' husband finally got a somewhat pivotal scene as he helped Felicity with her physical therapy. Developing him more would certainly be a good idea!  My favorite scene: Laurel admitting to her dad how much it hurt to find out Ollie had a kid with someone else, particularly since he was still with her at the time. And finally, regarding this episode’s useless flashbacks: a tad more exciting than usual with Conklin returning from the dead and Ollie's tattoos saving him and Tiaina. I'm somewhat intrigued, I think?

Our Grade:
The Good:
  • Vixen made for an interesting addition to the overall team dynamic
  • Oliver’s decisions coming back to haunt him
The Bad:
  • Felicity’s ability to walk returns at the most overly convenient moment
  • What purpose does Malcolm serve at this point?

Nadim S. is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. For more commentary from Nadim, go to You can follow him on twitter at @nadsreviews.

Arrow by - 2/29/2016 6:25 AM384 views

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