Arrow 4.19: Canary Cry
Wendy Mericle and Beth Schwartz
Laura Belsey
Seemingly everyone who was a fan of Arrow hated Laurel's death. I don't
think that's a word taken too lightly, though it's a judgment admittedly based
on only a few immediate online reactions to the aftermath of
"Eleven-Fifty-Nine." Actions and threats were thrown around, mostly
in the area of never watching the show again. If that's true of a "vocal
minority," to use the words of one of the show's own producers, they
missed a heck of an episode here. One that played almost like a tribute or
requiem to the character of Laurel Lance and the legacy of the Black Canary as
Personally, while I didn't like the manner in
which the Black Canary was dispatched, I think the writers had to make this
choice and stick with it. This episode had to be the proof that Laurel Lance
is, indeed, dead. In effect, we are all Captain Lance here. We're all trying to
desperately find a way to bring Laurel back from the dead. Arrow has spent the past four seasons telling its fans --
conditioning them even to a point -- that death in its world has no permanence.
Well, guess again on that front.
Captain Lance tries with all his might
throughout the run of the episode to think of any solution he could. Asking
Nyssa to bring Laurel to the Lazarus Pit in Nanda Parbat... that was destroyed
by Nyssa herself. Pleading with Oliver to find some way to bring his last
daughter back. Because, well, can you blame him? He's seen Oliver and Sara
return from the dead (Sara twice!). He's seen Thea returned from the dead, or
rather, the almost-dead. Malcolm, Ra's al Ghul, Slade Wilson. Nearly everyone
worth a damn has returned from the dead.
And yet, it slowly dawns on him (and us
viewers going along with) that Laurel won't come back. There's no way. At
least, none that we're going to see in the short-term future. It doesn't hit
Captain Lance until Laurel's funeral, and that whole scene feels like the
culmination of the entirety of sadness and grief that has somehow permeated the
whole episode. This is, in all likelihood, the absolute saddest episode of
Arrow that has ever been done. That huge feeling shows in the face and sorrow
and grief that is conveyed on Paul Blackthorne's face during the funeral. It
was heartbreaking, powerhouse dramatic acting. He was the MVP of the episode,
and I don't think it was even close.
The show
really sells it, and maintains that tone throughout. The power of that grief is
undeniable, and even Oliver succumbs to it. For once this season, the
flashbacks were masterfully interwoven with the present day narrative, which is
something the series has had trouble with since the middle of the second
season. The flashbacks don't look at the time Oliver spent on Lian Yu again,
but rather go back to a time right after Tommy has died in the Undertaking of
Starling City's Glades neighborhood.
The parallel
is quite potent, as it taps into the same emotions present in Laurel's death,
all of which gives us one last chance to see Laurel alive again. The opening
scene is quite effective at switching up expectations, as I thought it was diving
right into mourning Laurel's death. Instead, Laurel gets up and eulogizes
Tommy. It drives home the permanence of his death as well as her death. As we
get into the meat of the episode, the sadness and grief and self-loathing do
get to be a bit too much, even as it's fitting with the overall tone, but it
does also provide us with that nice edit of Oliver hearing Laurel's voice in
the morgue and then transitioning to another flashback.
- A fitting tribute to the loss of a main character
- The flashbacks actually mean something this time
- The revenge subplot is rather useless