Arrow 5.08: Invasion!
Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Wendy Mericle
James Bamford
This second part of the "Invasion"
crossover event is really a testament to the longevity of Arrow. It is a tribute to its status as the longest-running series
in the DCW. So, as befitting of that status (and it being the 100th episode), a
major part of the episode is a highlight reel of past moments and elements from
the show. Think of it as a love letter to the fans who have stuck by the show
through its better times (the first two seasons) and its not-so-great times
(the third season after Oliver's "death" at the hands of Ra's al
The episode's main plotline functions through a
well-worn trope of the superhero genre: the fantasy of a life where our hero
never became a hero. Instead, he (or she) lives an idealized life where they
have everything they could ever want. In Oliver's case, this means that both
his parents are alive, he never got on the Queen's Gambit with Sara (she
wouldn't do so anyway because she's comfortable with being attracted to women),
and he's set to marry Laurel, who never took the mantle of Black Canary, thus
never dying. Instead, someone else is the Green Arrow (Diggle) and he sets
about fighting crime in Star City.
Most shows would drag this sort of thing out.
In fact, the plotline shares a lot of similar elements to an episode from the
first season of Supergirl called
"For The Girl Who Has Everything," where Kara is under the influence
of a mind-altering alien plant that attached itself to her. She lives an
idealized lifetime on Krypton instead of being Supergirl on Earth. The story in
itself borrows elements from a famous Superman comics storyline called
"For The Man Who Has Everything." Here, Oliver and company are in a
shared hallucination or dream world created by the Dominators who abducted them
at the end of the Flash
"Invasion" episode. They can only realize that whenever they interact
with each other or any other significant character in the dream world. So
Oliver interacts with Laurel, bringing up memories of Laurel from the real
world. Sara and Ray interact, and it conjures up memories of Ray from Sara's
perspective. And so on and so forth.
Meanwhile, in
the real world, the remnants of Team Arrow attempt to find out where the
Dominators have taken their leader and his compatriots. It's a smaller
storyline than the idealized dream world, but that only makes it more
streamlined and simple. Felicity and the Arrow recruits have a problem to
solve, and take the necessary steps to go about getting that solution. The
pieces all come together in convenient ways, from Cisco getting the Dominator
tech to a scientist fitting herself with a power regulator that Team Arrow
needs in order to translate the alien tech. This is the only opportunity for a
true crossover to occur, as the recruits fight alongside the Flash and
There's a bit of
character development in Wild Dog revealing his personal philosophy regarding
superheroes with superpowers. He doesn't trust any of them because he believes
they are the root cause of all the problems they and the world have had to deal
with in recent times. The Flash revealed himself to be a metahuman, allowing
for more metahumans to follow in his wake, most of them cast as villains.
Aliens like the Dominators come to Earth, and Supergirl, an alien herself,
follows suit. I think it would have served the show better for Wild Dog to be
consistent enough to hold on to that personal philosophy but that doesn't
happen. It's a viewpoint that has legitimacy to some of its parts. If it
weren't for Barry's decision to become a metahuman superhero, the world
wouldn't be overrun with metahumans. One action sequence -- and there was a
point where the Flash saves Wild Dog from serious injury -- and he softens his
stance on superpowered individuals. But the brief action sequence serves its
purpose: Getting the regulator to translate the alien tech to find their
Only, it's
revealed that they're all in a Dominator space ship, which they escape by first
wholly rejecting the dream world they've all been sharing. Much of the
episode's emotional power is drawn from the final sequence in the dream, as
Oliver and company battle their greatest enemies. Oliver fights Slade Wilson,
arguably Arrow's greatest villain thus far, making a welcome return, albeit
only in Deathstroke form; Thea fight Malcolm Merlyn, making his first
appearance on the show since last season's finale; Sara battles Damien Darhk, a
representation of avenging Laurel's death she's been dealing with in Legends of Tomorrow. Defeating their enemies means saying goodbye to
this world, which is painful for a lot of them. Thea, in particular, is
hesitant to let go of this fake world. She functions as a surrogate for the
audience, in that some of us would like to continue to see Laurel be alive
again (the writers still want her to stay dead) and that there could be more to
the story of Robert and Moira Queen's marriage.
- A solid retrospective of the past 100 episodes of the flagship DCW series
- Balances the needs of the series and the crossover relatively well
- Wild Dog changed his supposedly deep-seated dislike of superpowers awfully fast