A billionaire playboy and expert archer becomes a vigilante who is out to right the wrongs created by his family and restore his beloved city back to its former glory after being shipwrecked for five years on a remote island.
Nyssa returns and tells Oliver that her father, Ra's al Ghul, has given him 48 hours to find Sara's killer or the League of Assassins will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Meanwhile, Laurel is stunned when her mother visits at Christmas; and Ray tries to make amends with Felicity.
A crossover event that began on "The Flash" concludes with Oliver teaming with the Flash to stop a boomerang-wielding killer who plants five bombs in the city that are set to explode at the same time.
Oliver tries to stop Arrow-obsessed serial killer Carrie Cutter, who is convinced Arrow is her one true love and will stop at nothing to get his attention. Unfortunately, her way of getting noticed is to kill people. Meanwhile, Ray asks Felicity to be his date for a work dinner with some important clients; and Thea auditions new DJs for Verdant and meets a brash DJ with whom she immediately clashes.
Ted Grant is accused of murder when a body is found strung up in the Wildcat gym. In flashbacks, Maseo asks Tatsu to help jog Oliver's memory so he can remember where an informant for China White stashed key information; and Roy shares a secret with Felicity.
Oliver and Felicity try to contain the destruction caused by a cyber attack that rocks Starling City. Meanwhile, Felicity's mother makes a surprise visit; Ted questions Laurel's motives; and Thea buys an apartment with Malcolm's so-called estate money.
Oliver and Nyssa join forces and go after the Dark Archer in order to bring Sara's killer to justice. Meanwhile, Laurel keeps her distance from Nyssa because she blames her sister's death on the League of Assassins; and Oliver and Roy work on repairing their respective relationships with Thea.
A mysterious archer known as Komodo appears in town and begins skewering businessmen. Meanwhile, Oliver worries about Thea, which forces Roy to tell him the truth about why she left town; and Ray Palmer pursues Felicity. In a flashback, Oliver is assigned his first kill and the target is his best friend, Tommy.
Season 3 begins with a new villain, Vertigo, emerging, just as Oliver tries to balance his life and ask out Felicity. Meanwhile, Diggle becomes a father; Lance is promoted to captain; Laurel joins Arrow's inner circle; and Felicity gets a part-time job at a tech store to make ends meet.
Season 2 ends with Slade kidnapping and threatening to kill another person in Oliver's life, which forces Oliver to decide whether he is a killer or a hero. Meanwhile, Diggle takes on Amanda; and Thea turns to Roy in a time of need.
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