A billionaire playboy and expert archer becomes a vigilante who is out to right the wrongs created by his family and restore his beloved city back to its former glory after being shipwrecked for five years on a remote island.
Slade's soldiers attack the city; Felicity gets a call from S.T.A.R. Labs with some game-changing news; Thea comes face-to-face with her father, Malcolm Merlyn.
Oliver weighs his options after receiving threats from Slade. Meanwhile, Diggle and Felicity go to drastic measures to stop Oliver from confronting Slade; Thea mulls over leaving town; and Laurel continues her push against Sebastian Blood.
The serum mirakuru sends Roy into an uncontrolled rage that leads to deadly consequences. Oliver tries to stop him, but Sara believes he is too far gone and wants to kill him. Meanwhile, Thea believes she can get through to Roy and tries to lure him to Verdant.
Arrow battles Slade, which results in a member of Team Arrow going to the hospital. Meanwhile, Thea hits her breaking point; and Laurel struggles with a new secret.
Slade makes his move against Oliver and the repercussions are severe. Oliver desperately tries to protect his family, but one key player on his team questions his decisions. Meanwhile, Isabel attempts to take Queen Consolidated away from Oliver.
The Huntress returns and takes hostages at the courthouse when her father is arrested. Laurel is among those taken, which prompts her sister, the Canary, to battle the Huntress in an epic confrontation. Meanwhile, Roy tries to keep Thea safe, but he doesn't like the way he is forced to do it.
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