E3 2013 - June 11-13, 2013


Location: South Hall #2101

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Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2013 4:11 PM

4286 days ago
so this is going on in their booth...



e3vL's Avatar
6/10/2013 8:14 PM

Waiting For Answer
Dead Rising 3: Is every building accessible in the game or are there locked doors/areas? Is there co-op, if so how many players in a single game?
ssj100matt's Avatar
6/11/2013 12:39 AM

Waiting For Answer
Ducktails Remastered: Why did PAXEast seem like the right time to announce the game to the public? Also what has it been like collaborating with WayForward Technologies?

E3 2013 is over. See you next time!


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