E3 2013 - June 11-13, 2013


Location: Meeting Rooms #303B

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Dungeonbuster's Avatar
6/10/2013 10:02 PM

Waiting For Answer
One of the games that Ryse reminded me partially of was Capcom's Shadow of Rome on the PS2. Aside from the hand to hand fighting and fighting inside a testudo, what else will players be able to do in the game? Stealth? Assassination? Exploration? Chariot races like in Ben Hur?
Dungeonbuster's Avatar
6/10/2013 10:04 PM

Waiting For Answer
Will Ryse have any extras such as new weapons and armor? Are there any additional skills that the player can learn or moves that they can develop?

E3 2013 is over. See you next time!


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