E3 2013 - June 11-13, 2013

Sony Computer Entertainment America

Location: West Hall #4144, West Hall #4522, Meeting Rooms #501B, Meeting Rooms #504, Meeting Rooms #506

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Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/13/2013 4:40 PM

4271 days ago
no second meeting with pr for your other questions. sorry.
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/13/2013 4:36 PM

4271 days ago
they closed up driveclub early :(
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2013 6:10 PM

4273 days ago
I got a few answers, and will have to come back tomorrow to talk to their indie team. Will try to get Flaco's new questions answered then as well.
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2013 5:50 PM

4273 days ago
there is a chance I'm going to get a pr person who will answer some of the system and service based questions, and then day 1 will be complete.


LOKI's Avatar
6/11/2013 9:07 AM

Great Question
Will the instant game library on the PS4 with PlayStation Plus also include previous PS3 game once the Gaikai service is launched?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2013 6:08 PM

Your game library will carry over from the PS3, and the idea is that you will be able to play them on your PS4 when the service is available.
e3vL's Avatar
6/10/2013 11:45 PM

Good Question
Is PS Plus required to play online multiplayer or is it free like the PS3? (One of the bullet points at the press conference states: "Immersive multiplayer online for PS4")
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2013 5:50 PM

Yes, this has been confirmed.
act_deft's Avatar
6/10/2013 11:28 PM

Unable to Ask
The PS4 has a retail price in the US of 399usd, will it have the same price conversion on the rest of the world or what the exact prices on places like Latin America or Europe and such?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2013 6:09 PM

The Latin America press event was occurring while we were speaking, which will have price into for those regions.
e3vL's Avatar
6/10/2013 11:49 PM

Unable to Ask
Is the Last Guardian still in development?
Bobby Blackwolf's Avatar
Bobby Blackwolf
6/11/2013 11:29 AM

Jack Tretton told Polygon that it was "on hiatus" fulfilling my prophecy that the game will ultimately break your heart.
e3vL's Avatar
6/10/2013 9:08 PM

Waiting For Answer
Was The Dark Sorcerer tech demo inspired by the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 or did you guys think of the idea first?
Dungeonbuster's Avatar
6/10/2013 10:30 PM

Waiting For Answer
The PS4 bombshell was unexpected by a lot of people, but one other thing that was remarkable about the presentation was in sharing a piece of the stage with indies. Sony's making a big push to support indies in a big way for the new console. How does Sony hope to continue encouraging that relationship with up-and-coming devs that want to participate? Is there a program in place to help them and how prominent a place will they have on PSN?
nulligan's Avatar
6/11/2013 12:24 PM

Waiting For Answer
What will be the barriers to entry for homebrew and/or indie game development? How much will it cost, how do we sign up?
Flaco_Jones's Avatar
6/11/2013 5:56 PM

Waiting For Answer
Is the streaming games library coming in 2014 going to have a separate cost per game, a separate subscription rate or be included with Plus membership?
Flaco_Jones's Avatar
6/11/2013 6:05 PM

Waiting For Answer
I remember it being said at the Feb press event that the move controllers would still work with PS4 and the new camera. What about the navigation controllers? Or will there be a new navigation controller specifically for PS4?
LOKI's Avatar
6/12/2013 3:49 PM

Waiting For Answer
I saw that there is a 3.5in adapter for headsets on the Dualshock 4. Does that also allow you to stream audio from the game through the controller? I ask because I play with headphones on usually and that would make it so much easier.

E3 2013 is over. See you next time!


6/11/2013 7:09 PM

1 0

That answer to Loki's great question made my day. I know it still depends on the technology and it isn't happening until 2014 but backwards compatibility for the digital games on my account like Journey and The Unfinished Swan is a big selling point for me.
6/12/2013 3:51 PM

0 0

Sorry, I meant 3.5mm jack, not inch.
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