Will COD Advance Warfare be coming to the Wii U and will it have gamepad support? Asking this because there's no pre-order option for the Wii U on the official site and Infinity Ward announced the Wii U version of COD Ghosts a few months before release.
skie 6/12/2014 5:39 PM
Advanced Warfare was sadly only in a theatre presentation we were unable to attend.
blooddrunk 6/10/2014 2:59 PM
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Is the PC version of Advaced Warfare going to use dedicated servers? I there any mod support planned on release or in a future update?
skie 6/12/2014 5:38 PM
Advanced Warfare was sadly only in a theatre presentation we were unable to attend.
So far it hasn't been announced for WIIU. For the last few years it has been announced around the time they announce the special editions or August/September. They're probably waiting to gauge cost/interest.
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6/9/2014 8:42 PM
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6/12/2014 5:39 PM