Editorial by Jeffrey Nowak

The Top 6 Essential Facebook Fixes

The Top 6 Essential Facebook Fixes

Although I primarily use Twitter for my social networking, I do maintain a Facebook account.  The problem is that I cannot log onto Facebook without having several things aggravate me. In this edition of “Top 6” I count down the Top 6 Essential Facebook Fixes.

#6- They Never Should Have Gone Public

By becoming a publicly traded company, Facebook now has a legal obligation to do what is in the best interest of their shareholders, and not the consumer. While this has not caused any major problems as of yet, it may in the future. Facebook’s existence is now centered on making money for their investors. Under their current business model, the task of making a profit seems impossible. Look for changes in the near future that start out slowly with a new ad here or there, and end with a completely commercialized Facebook.

#5- Do Not Allow People to use Photos of Celebrities as their Profile Picture

It’s really annoying. If I get a friend request from “Suzy Smith” I want to see what she looks like. A picture of Stifler's Mother doesn’t help put a face to the name. Some phones sync Facebook profile pictures with contacts. One time my phone rang and when I looked down to see who was calling me, it was a picture of Jimi Hendrix.
As a matter of full disclosure, I did have Mel Gibson’s mug shot as my profile picture for a few years.

#4- No Posting 20 Pictures of the Same Thing

You know what I’m talking about: some girl gets a new laptop. She discovers the program “Photo Booth” and poses with her best friend. They then upload 20 pictures of themselves just sitting there next to each other. Sometimes they look at the camera, and sometimes they look at each other. Some photos may be black and white, and some photos may have different hues. The end result is the same, my feed is spammed with all of the pictures that they took that day... and they all look the same.

#3- Eliminate Games

Okay, maybe not eliminate them, but give me an option that says: “I don’t give a fuck about Farmville.” Once it is clicked, the user does not get game invites or sees posts about games at all. I’m sorry, but when you play the word “cat” in words with friends and post it to Facebook, you do not impress anybody.

#2- No Pictures of Mutilated People

I am sick and tired of people posting pictures of someone who is sick and decrepit with the caption “Like if you are sorry he has cancer.” Or a picture of someone who was in a bad motorcycle accident with the caption, “Share if you think he should have worn a helmet.” I do not want to see these things when I go on Facebook. I want to see happy things like pictures of people at the beach or pictures of girls eating bananas.

#1- Get my Mom off of Facebook

True story: I was having a bad day and posted, “I wet the bed last night and its gone down hill from there.” Sure as the sky is blue, my mother calls me. “Jeff, did you really wet the bed!?” “No mom, I was speaking metaphorically.”

I do not want to have to filter what I post because I have my mother, my in-laws, or any other family member on Facebook. Get them off of there so that I can speak freely! It’s uncomfortable having to answer questions like “what’s a blumpkin” when they see things online.

I know some of my proposals are impossible for Facebook to implement, but it’s fun to imagine how cool of a place it could be if everyone followed my rules. What are some of the dream changes you would like to see Facebook make? Let us know in the comment section below.
Jeffrey Nowak is a VOG Staff Writer.

Editorial by - 7/17/2012 6:49 PM564 views

Your Ranking

What Would Fix Facebook The Most?

Jeffrey has given you his six things that would fix Facebook...How would YOU prioritize them?

Based on 14 Participants

  1. No Pictures of Mutilated People
    (Average Rank: 2.64)

  2. Get my Mom off of Facebook
    (Average Rank: 3.14)

  3. Eliminate Games
    (Average Rank: 3.28)

  4. They Never Should Have Gone Public
    (Average Rank: 3.57)

  5. No Posting 20 Pictures of the Same Thing
    (Average Rank: 3.64)

  6. Do Not Allow People to use Photos of Celebrities as their Profile Picture
    (Average Rank: 4.71)

Registered Participants can rank these choices, and are eligible to receive Points during the article's first week of publication! Why not sign up and start playing today?


7/17/2012 11:42 PM

2 0

Because I am blind and cannot use mouse I can't drag my choice. But I'll go with #3 the most. Not only games, but I hope Facebook will give me option to get rid of apps entirely!

The best way for me to use Facebook is to enter m.facebook.com no matter what device I use. Clean interface, no adds, and faster!
7/18/2012 10:28 PM

0 0

Oh wow...I didn't know about that. I just did this for the first time and saw how clear-cut and organized everything was laid out. Awesome!
7/20/2012 12:39 PM

2 0

#1 fix for Facebook for users...

Join Google+.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
7/20/2012 2:55 PM

1 0

Unfortunately, that's a little bit overkill - ALL the posts are empty once you do that! Well, except for Google employees...
7/20/2012 8:42 PM

0 0

But Google+ is....just....there's nothing there. Why bother?
7/25/2012 6:10 AM

1 0

I was mostly kidding, but the same was true when Facebook first started compared to MySpace.
Guess it depends on the person. My Google+ feed is updating pretty constantly.
I think it's a natural evolution. Facebook just seems to keep adding "features" that many don't like and those people move to G+.

Google+ = Facebook + Twitter - Ads.
7/17/2012 8:04 PM

1 0

I think no. 6 should've been no. 1 in this list. In the long run, it's the greater problem Facebook will have.

As for relatives, I don't have any of them other than my sister who lives far away, so I don't have that sort of problems, and even I had I wouldn't care as much.

As for games, well, it's a part of what Facebook is now. And you can block game stuff in Facebook too if you don't want to see, so that problem is already fixed.
7/17/2012 8:27 PM

1 0

I think 3 exists, you can block individual apps in the setting's, i would add https connection for games and IM.
at the moment Https only works for logins which is good but it would be great for people making transactions in games and so no one can snoop in on your conversations.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
7/18/2012 11:38 PM

1 0

The only reason I don't want to get rid of Facebook games is because You Don't Know Jack is awesome on Facebook.
7/18/2012 5:54 PM

0 0

Ugh, PLEASE get rid of Facebook games. I'm sick of getting Petville invites from people I rarely even talk to.
7/17/2012 11:03 PM

0 1

Since my Mother is Batsh$@ crazy you can guess my #1
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