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so hey there nintendo direct press conference
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Author:  skie [ Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  so hey there nintendo direct press conference

as some of you are aware, i'm on vacation right now, but i got caught up on that nintendo direct press conference.

why are people flippin their shit about the new classic controller looking like an xbox 360 controller? it's not an exact copy, and lets be honest the playstation 1 controller was heavily influenced by a SNES controller, amiright? it makes a whole lot of sense if there are going to be ports of 360 and PS3 games on Wii-U that the controller be a little similar. i'm actually kinda... glad that nintendo is making that. it means maybe multiplayer games won't have to all require wiimote flailing, thank god.

otherwise, a lot of it seemed like pretty non-surprising stuff to me and i'm more excited to see what the GAMES are come tuesday.

Author:  act_deft [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: so hey there nintendo direct press conference

I don't think people are exactly flipping their shit over it, rather making snarky comments about the fact that they didn't even made a real effort to make it look somewhat more different. I find it more curious and funny that it's Nintendo making the rip-off, rather than it being the other way around.

But in my personal opinion, I think it's good that they're using the 360's controller model since it's probably the best of the current gen (aside from the D-Pad problems).

As for the Pre-Show itself, it was ok. I really didn't expect them to reveal something really big other than some info. on the WiiU itself. It's good to know what their online strategy is going to be and it looks interesting but I would really like to see it in real action and not just some pre-made screenshots.
And also the new specs and design on the Game Pad, it's not that much different but still some really cool features

Author:  PodCulture [ Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: so hey there nintendo direct press conference

I must be the only one who never had a problem with the Xbox controller's Dpad

Author:  Bobby Blackwolf [ Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: so hey there nintendo direct press conference

I never really had a problem with it, but I did get the limited edition controller with the popup d-pad which helped back when I actually played Game Room. (Remember that?)

Author:  Rageinator [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: so hey there nintendo direct press conference

I'll be frank... in as far as controllers go, my preference goes as follows: Playstation's Dualshock (be it 2 or 3) ---> SNES ---> 360. While, yes, the SNES has the best D-pad as far as I'm concerned, the PS style controllers are more ergonomic & have the analog sticks, rumble, etc. My gripe(s) with the 360 controllers (or at least the ones I used; I can't comment on ones I never touched) had horrible d-pads, plus I really don't care for how they placed the D-pad & left analog stick (basically the reverse of how Sony does it, making the analog stick offset). I prefer the sticks level with each other as it seems more... I dunno... natural for me, but then again, I've been using Sony's controllers since April 1997 & aside from incremental upgrades every so often, the basic controller hasn't changed too terribly much since I started using them. That being said, I've grown very accustomed to them. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that the misc. PS controllers suck at is for typing with in the lobbies or in-game for online games, etc. For that, yeah, you'd be better off with a cheap keyboard, but I digress....

Now, the only really "good" thing that I can say about the 360 controllers in relation to some of the Nintendo controllers I've tried over the years (NES, SNES, N64, & Wii) is that (button/stick layout aside) the basic shape is fairly ergonomical compared to controllers like the SNES/NES controller.

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