VOG Network

#216: It’s Memorial Day Weekend, aka A Shit Ton of Cons
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Author:  Ari Rockefeller [ Sat May 30, 2015 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  #216: It’s Memorial Day Weekend, aka A Shit Ton of Cons

On tonight's show, the hosts discuss the article, "Nerd is the New Sexy", and by discuss, they shred it apart. Also Ranma briefly discusses the sexy party scene, twenty one animes we like to see as a live action TV show and/or movie, the top 100 "anime" cons, along with Momoiro Clover Z and KISS to perform live at Anime Expo! Also, what's going on with NYCC and recalling badges?! Over on the Open Forum Topic, we ask about the con photos you take, and the good memories you have of them! And lastly on Strange News in Japan, a man stabs a girl on a train just to see if he could kill, 7-Eleven Japan joins forces with Attack on Titan for some amazing prizes, and a confidence boosting bra with selfie stick?


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