VOG Network

Recorded USL eps now on Ustream
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Author:  TravisDonovan [ Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Recorded USL eps now on Ustream

Starting with last nights show, you will be able to replay the video portions of the live show on the USL Ustream page. Based on the size of each episode and the storage allowed by Ustream it will only be the last 10 episodes. I am downloading the recorded episodes and storing them. It is. My hope is to be eventually convert them to a smaller quality file for ease of downloading.

Author:  TigerClaw [ Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recorded USL eps now on Ustream

Cool, Hopefully you can have those videos as a video podcast on Itunes sometime if you can convert them to the format that works for the iphone and ipod touch.

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