Game of Thrones 5.10: Mother's Mercy
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
David Nutter
It has never been the practice of Game of Thrones to end a season on a
massive cliffhanger or series of major plot twists. But why should this season play to
convention? “Hardhome” is ostensibly the
kind of action and gut-punching that would come in Episode 9 of a season, after
all. Pretty much everything since the
controversial Ramsey/Sansa scene has seemingly been designed to both shake this
season out of its early malaise and defy audience expectation.
I might as well start with the
beginning. A number of fans were angry,
and justifiably so, by Stannis’ decision to burn Shireen to death in the name
of achieving his destiny. Well, one
might be tempted to say he met it rather definitively! And it didn’t take long for Melisandre to see
the writing on the wall. The Lord of
Light may have given someone favor, but it wasn’t Stannis Baratheon. Over and over again, Stannis is treated to the
consequences of his actions, and his end (which had to happen to clear the
North for someone else) was well-deserved.
Of course, a few things come to mind. We never quite saw Stannis die; Brienne swung
that sword, her intent seemingly obvious, but Game of Thrones is rarely of the habit of panning away from violent
acts. Not even elsewhere in the
episode! So I wonder if that means
something. Also, it is not remotely
random that Melisandre returned to Castle Black instead of staying with
Stannis. There is someone else with king’s
blood in that general vicinity, after all!
I suppose I shouldn’t bother putting that one
off, should I? Jon Snow was always going
to pay the iron price for going the right thing, because that’s the way things
work in Westeros. However, I find Kit
Harrington’s claims to be done with Game
of Thrones to be hilarious. If his
contract extensions weren’t a known quantity, then the fact that others have
played this very obvious game (see: Stephen Amell) only reinforces what anyone
with insight into the story knows: Jon Snow is very much still in the game.
Unless the writers of the show are going to
shockingly have Sansa step into Jon’s intended role, something that would
derail a number of plot elements seeded throughout the series, Jon’s death is
rather important. For one thing,
Melisandre was eyeing him earlier in the season and even alluded to his
potential future when she tried to seduce him.
She can resurrect the dead, as other Red Priests have done. If hints to Jon’s family lineage pan out, if
she does bring him back, there’s a damn good chance burning him won’t mean a
damn thing. Oh, and that oath to the
Night’s Watch? It is null and void upon
death. Funny how that would eliminate those
issues about claiming titles, wives, etc., isn’t it? So rest easy, Jon Snow fans, I seriously
doubt he is out of the picture!
Over in Meereen, I’m a little disappointed
that Tyrion won’t be going along on the quest to find Dany, but having Jorah
and Daario bicker now and then will be fun.
And it actually makes a lot of sense to have Tyrion, Varys, and the rest
of the gang run Meereen in Dany’s absence.
I still see the challenges to her rule in Meereen to come into play, but
considering that she just met another tribe of Dothraki who might eventually be
inclined to help her return to Meereen and put down her enemies, maintaining
the Targaryen control of Slaver’s Bay is all that is required.
Speaking of Dany, I’m a little disappointed
that a rather major plot element that should have taken place during her time
away with Drogon was skipped. It might
come into play later, considering that some other plot threads have seen some
rearrangement of plot elements, to say the least. But the missing plot point corrects a certain
misconception that changes the outlook of Dany’s future. Let’s just say that Dany’s restoration of a
Targaryen dynasty seems to hold a rather important complicating factor that may
not be a factor after all.
Wandering a bit more to the west, but still
in Essos, my favorite part of the episode had to be the awesome and brutal
introduction to the very deadly Arya Stark.
More than once, I wondered if we were being treated to a dream sequence,
but Arya’s dispatch of Ser Meryn Trant was brilliant. Arya continues to prove out all of the
complaints about Sansa’s lack of agency, because for every step that Sansa
takes in the right direction, Arya takes leaps and bounds.
The consequences that Arya must suffer are a
bit confusing, though it does perhaps prove out my theory that “Jaqen” is not,
and never has been, the “Jaqen” we met in the second season. It’s not quite clear what happened, but Arya
was always going to pay for stepping outside the role of the Faceless Ones to
dispense justice on the terms of the Many-Faced God. Yet her talent is without question, and it’s
more a matter of correction than rejection.
In the source material, her blindness came earlier and was irritating,
so hopefully this lesson will pass quickly in the sixth season.
Across the Narrow Sea, the writers did
everything possible to make something out of the disappointment that has been
the Sand Snakes. In the source material,
Myrcella was maimed at one point, and that was going to become a sticking point
between the Lannisters and the Martells.
Also, Prince Doran was revealed as playing his own long game. Doran’s role might still come into play in
the sixth season (it would be easy enough to redirect his plans to align with
the simplifications of the adaptation), but I suppose we now have Myrcella’s
death to initiate whatever is to come between King’s Landing and Dorne.
One might wonder if Tommen and/or his family
will try to use the Sparrows against Dorne; it would seem easy enough to point
the religiously righteous in the direction of perhaps the most decadent region
of Westeros. And it would have the
benefit, perhaps, of turning the attention of the High Sparrow from the
Lannisters for a time. Since the
constant strife in Westeros continues to be designed to weaken the existing
powers to make Dany’s arrival to stop the march of the White Walkers a lot
easier, something has to weaken the Sparrows as well. They certainly wouldn’t like the idea of a
Targaryen coming in and stripping away their authority again!
Which brings me to the scene that will no
doubt anger many: the Walk of Atonement of Cersei Lannister. I can only imagine the reactions from those
who accuse the series of denigrating women; that this is a major plot element
of Cersei’s downfall in the source material is not necessarily a defense of how
it was portrayed. It certainly lasted
much longer than I anticipated. However,
that all said, the long march allowed the audience to experience what I believe
was intended: first, a bit of satisfaction to see Cersei finally brought low,
and then rising horror at how badly she was being mistreated by the misogynist
masses. It makes the prospect of Dany coming along and delivering harsh
justice on the patriarchy a rather delicious thought. (The hint that Cersei and the Lannisters aren’t
done with their machinations is, perhaps, a sign that even those brought low
might never learn true humility.)
- Arya’s skills take a major step forward
- Stannis meets a fitting end
- Jon Snow finds himself at an important crossroads
- Cersei’s walk can easily be seen as excessive
- Sansa doesn’t get the payoff needed for her suffering (yet)