Game of Thrones 6.01: The Red Woman
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
Jeremy Podeswa
For the first time since the dawning of the
series, both the readers of the source books and the viewers of the show are on
an even playing field. There are
elements that will always benefit from the deeper perspective that the readers
have enjoyed, but in terms of the events themselves, it’s abundantly clear that
Game of Thrones is charting new
territory and, in some cases, deliberately taking a different path towards a
presumably similar end.
As with most season premieres, this is all
about revisiting and incrementally advancing the various storylines that were
left in play during the previous season’s finale. That means barely touching on certain items
before moving on to the next locale, and so as nice as the refresher might be,
there’s a certain lack of depth. This is
oddly true even for the question of the events at the Wall, where one would be
forgiven to expect quick and easy answers regarding the future (if any) of Jon
So to address the main point that many wanted
answered: Jon Snow is, in fact, dead.
But can we all agree that this was not actually the point in
dispute? Who actually thought he
survived? The question is not whether he
is alive or dead, but rather, if he’s going to stay that way. And while this episode seemed to suggest that
he will remain dead, the lack of immediate answers on the disposition of his
body keeps the door ajar on resurrection.
Of which there are several possible means, not the least of which is the
titular Red Woman.
Instead, time is spent on the aftermath of Jon’s
death, and the power struggle between his few remaining allies and Ser
Thorne. Ser Davos leads the band of Jon’s
supporters and helps to formulate a winning strategy that no doubt employs many
of the Wildlings in the vicinity. It’s
just a continuation of the debate that began when Jon decided to let the
Wildlings to pass through the Wall, and that makes sense. His murder was part of the longer struggle
over the role of the Wall and the looming threat of the White Walkers. That struggle doesn’t end with Jon Snow.
Letting Jon remain dead is important because
it doesn’t give that internal strife an easy outlet. And it also give Melisandre more reason to
doubt herself and her understanding of what the future holds, coming so soon on
the heels of Stannis’ defeat. In a nice
reveal, we learn that Melisandre has been around for much longer than
previously assumed, and that’s an important point. She’s had a very long time to consider her
actions and to see the shape of things to come.
Also in the North, Ramsey discovers that
losing his hold over Sansa and Theon/Reek was not a good strategic move. Having them relatively intact and under the
power of the Boltons meant that the allies of the Starks and Greyjoys had
little reason to resist following the flayed-man banner. Ramsey gets told rather abruptly that he had
better solve that problem or be ready to find his status as heir removed. What he probably doesn’t count on is how
Sansa and Theon have found common cause, or the timely arrival of Brienne of
Tarth. It’s going to be good to see
Brienne actually doing something other than wander the countryside!
Lord Bolton wants to solidify his hold on the
North because the Lannisters are in complete disarray. Jamie returns home with Myrcella under a
shroud, and it just adds to Cersei’s misery.
Jamie is rather stunned to see how far the Faith Militant has gone and
how powerful the High Sparrow has become, and it looks like he is primed to
take up the fight. What will be
interesting is whether or not they come to Margaery’s aid. Cersei would like nothing better than for
Margaery to suffer the same humiliation she endured, but angering the only son
she has left may be too much to contemplate.
Not to mention that when all is said and done, Cersei wants her son
ruling with mother close at his side.
Further south, other powers are taking
advantage of the situation as well.
Ellaria Sand has decided that Prince Doran is not strong enough to lead Dorne
into the future properly, and thus has Doran and his son dispatched brutally
with the help of the still-disappointing Sand Snakes. This seems like the biggest departure from
the intentions of the source material, especially since there is a subplot that
was removed from the adaptation that changes the intentions of Dorne as a whole
significantly. Who might take up
leadership among the Martells, or some rival Dornish family, remains to be
seen, but it is likely that the hints of an impending move by Dorne against
King’s Landing might happen sooner rather than later.
Across the Narrow Sea in Braavos, Arya continues
to deal with the consequences of her decision to work outside of the strictures
of the House of Black and White. It’s
interesting enough that she would be left to deal with blindness on her own,
but it seems that this is less an end-all punishment and more another step on
the journey. Arya can’t possibly be the
first assassin-in-training to incur this punishment, and it certainly seems as
if this is being used to further her training overall.
In Meereen, Varys and Tyrion are doing their
best to get a handle on the state of play following the slaughter in the
fighting pits, but things are not as simple as one might hope. The Sons of the Harpy are still running
about, it seems, and with some kind of significant support. One can only hope that this does not turn out
to be an excuse to have the Meereen situation last another whole season,
because there is only so much stagnation one can be expected to take. The burning of the ships in the harbor doesn’t
exactly bode well in that regard, however.
Also unfortunate is Daenerys’ fate at the
hands of the Dothraki. I’m not sure what
Dany thought would happen when she listed her credentials and mentioned her
marriage to Khal Drogo, but did anyone think it would turn out to be a kind and
generous fate? For some reason, I was
dreading the notion that Dany would reveal herself to be a widow to a Khal;
perhaps exile to Vaes Dothrak was mentioned somewhere in the novels. Regardless, this is another diversion from
her stated goal of getting back to Westeros, so I gather it is what might
happen along the way to get the Dothraki to back her in reclaiming Meereen that
is the true purpose.
With a great deal of rumbling about this being the last ten-episode season, with perhaps a total of thirteen episodes stretched across the final two seasons, there is a greater sense that the narrative needs to drive towards some measure of a final resolution. Granted, with a seeming minimum of 22 episodes left, there’s time to bring the threads together at a somewhat leisurely pace. Even so, the previous season left many feeling like the story was being stretched out too long. It wouldn’t be a terrible idea to start giving the audience a sense that even tiny pockets of stability are emerging in the long struggle.
- Sansa’s story takes a positive turn
- Readers and viewers are on the same playing field for once
- Meereen continues to be a stone around the narrative’s shoulders