Game of Thrones 6.04: Book of the Stranger
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
Daniel Sackheim
Now that the season is moving out of the
introductory period and into the meat of its story, things are a lot more
interesting. Call those first few
episodes the transitionary period between adaptation and extrapolation. For all intent purposes, this season is a hybrid
of stated intentions and creative supposition.
And because of the freedom that allows, things are working rather
well. There are a few hiccups here and
there, but this is definitely the best episode of the season.
Castle Black: One of the most
heartwarming moments of the entire episode?
The reunion between Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. It’s about time the remaining members of the
family found each other, and it’s the perfect time for Sansa to talk some sense
into her soon-to-be-legendary sibling.
Jon has been dealing with some soul-searching (and well-deserved, coming
back from the dead and all), but Sansa has a lot of rage to channel and Jon has
what it takes to rally the North. And
now that Ramsey has demanded “his bride” upon threat of feeding Rickon to the
hounds and letting her be gang-raped, well, something tells me Jon is going to
get his groove back.
King’s Landing: Speaking of
families getting their groove back, that’s what one could say of the
Lannisters. I suppose the enmity between
the Lannisters and the Tyrells is logically set aside when it comes to the
future of both Houses vs. letting the High Sparrow hold sway. What kind of losses they might endure in the
process is hard to predict, but I’m betting that it won’t be easy to get the
Faith Militant out of the capital. I
still see both Houses weakened before all is said and done, because the
Lannisters can’t be too powerful by the time other players finally come
knocking at the door.
But like so many of those who come to hold
power, the High Sparrow is bringing it on himself. He might say that the trappings of power and
influence are now beyond him, but that is clearly not the case. He takes too much delight in bringing down
his former brethren of the nobility, and has crossed the wrong people. And by the wrong people, I clearly mean Lady
Olenna and the future of the Tyrells.
Ramsey Snow: If there is one
glaring irritation in this episode, it’s the fate of Osha. Why bother bringing her back with Rickon if
she was just going to be another victim of Ramsey’s thirst for blood and
violence against women? I suppose he had
to kill someone every episode to keep his reputation intact, and just making
threats to defile Sansa wasn’t enough.
On the other hand, Ramsey is absolute evil, so every time he adds to his
list of offenses, we all want to see him die more and more painfully.
Littlefinger: It didn’t occur to
me that we hadn’t gotten an update on Petyr’s machinations for so long until he
stepped out of that carriage. Watching
him try to make something happen with Robin as Lord of the Vale is entertaining,
if nothing else. I can’t wait to see the
moment Sansa leaves Petyr in the dust, making him wonder when he lost control
of his own game. For now, adding the
forces of House Arryn to what Jon already has in hand will serve the best
purposes of the Starks.
House Greyjoy: Theon Greyjoy has
returned home, but he doesn’t exactly get a warm welcome from Yara at the start,
does he? I suppose that makes sense,
given the attitude of their House, but one might also consider that he is now
an ally of Sansa Stark, and depending on who takes command of the House, he
could ironically come to the aid of his old “siblings”. Then again, he’s pledged his support to Yara
in the contest for the Salt Throne, so there’s a lot that has to happen before
the Greyjoys are a true factor in the ongoing war again.
Meereen: If Tyrion couldn’t
seem to communicate well with Grey Worm and Missandei in the previous episode,
he’s really dug himself a hole now. All
things being equal, he’s playing a game of diplomacy that would probably be
considered incredibly clever in Westeros.
He’s planting the seeds for a peace and standard of freedom that hasn’t
been seen in the region for an age.
Unfortunately, he’s doing so by back-pedaling on the stated goals of the
Queen he represents, and that’s not likely to win him any favors.
And because that’s all very much the case,
the Slave Masters are probably willing to agree to anything right now, because
it really doesn’t hurt them one bit to make an agreement with someone who may
not be alive to see the end of the month, let alone seven years. On the other hand, Tyrion’s role at the moment
is keeping Meereen from erupting into complete chaos until Daenerys arrives
with something more than more talk. And
as it happens…
Daenerys: The Mother of
Dragons finally makes a major move worthy of the name. I was wondering if Dany would ever be in a
position to regain control over her own destiny, even as it seemed like she was
intending to talk her way out of the trial among the Khals. So by the time it became clear that she had a
much more substantial coup in mind, I was all but fist-pumping as the fire
raged. This is the Khaleesi that has
been missing since she whispered “Dracarys”!
The implication of the final moments is
clear: the entire Dothraki horde is bowing down. Which supplies her with an army that ought to
be more than sufficient, along with the remnants of her forces in Meereen, to
get her out of Slaver’s Bay once and for all.
She’ll need lots of ships, of course, but one step at a time. There’s the small matter of those dragons
being free and looking for something to snack on once Mommy is home, too.
Just like that, several seemingly unending plot threads look like they are on the verge of resolution before the season ends, and that would be one of the most welcome developments in quite some time. One has to wonder how many of the plot twists have been lifted from the plans laid down by George R.R. Martin as opposed to the writers’ room, but that may not matter if this season continues to soar.
- Dany finally makes another major move to regain her power base
- Jon and Sansa’s reunion
- Ramsey is evil but Osha was removed from the story a little too abruptly