Game of Thrones 6.07: The Broken Man
Bryan Cogman
Mark Mylod
Despite some disappointment that the brewing
battles are still just on the horizon instead of starting in earnest, there
were some solid developments as the pieces continue to move and shift on the
board. The game is about to get extremely
violent, more so than usual, and perhaps the producers needed to keep the
budget under control for a few episodes to allow for the massive events to
The Hound: In an unusual move,
the continued existence of the Hound comes in a pre-opening credits scene that
marks this as highly significant. And
that’s fine with me, since it seems like a battle between the Mountain and the
Hound has been foreshadowed enough since the first season to warrant this level
of attention.
Perhaps equally significant to some would be
the introduction (and eventual dispatch) of Septon Ray, playing by Ian
McShane. The Septon believes there is a
greater purpose for the Hound still to be revealed, and unless he was reading
ahead in the scripts, that’s just underscoring what was already apparent. Things were never going to end well for the
Septon and his followers, but someone made a very big mistake by making the
Hound want to spill some blood again.
King’s Landing: There was a bit
more focus on Margaery in this episode, and what many suspected appears to be
true: she is playing the High Sparrow and the Faith Militant to remain
Queen. In some respects, it limits her
ability to maneuver, but in others, it provides a lot more freedom than she had
in a cell wearing sackcloth. It wouldn’t
be the first time someone saw open declaration and adherence to a faith as the
means to political and personal end.
While it was inevitable that the High Sparrow
would move against Lady Olenna, at least the Queen of Thorns was given the
option of returning to Highgarden and retaining some degree of autonomy. At this point, the High Sparrow could have
easily had her tossed in a dungeon and House Tyrell would have had little
ability to prevent it.
Jon and Sansa: I suppose it was
inevitable that the Starks would run into resistance in their recruiting
drive. The Wildlings have every reason
to follow Jon after Hardhome, but what about the Stark bannermen? As it turns out, that marriage to Ramsey
works against Sansa, and Jon’s bastard status doesn’t win many points
either. It’s a fair point that they have
only tenuous claim over the Stark name at this point. Even House Mormont, led by the delightfully
spunky Lyanna, needs a great deal of convincing, despite having backed Robb
Stark claim to the throne.
Most of the other allies to the Starks either
choose to sit the battle for Winterfell out or all but commit to fighting on
the opposite side if the Boltons call on them.
That leaves Sansa with little choice but to call on outside aid. Chances are this is Littlefinger, since he
has been gathering forces on Sansa’s behalf (supposedly) for some time
now. What’s less clear is why she wouldn’t
simply tell Jon what she has in mind, since all this is going to do is drive
them apart once the dust clears. (Which
has to happen anyway, since Jon is meant for more than sitting around
Riverrun: Jamie and Bronn
arrive to find that the Blackfish forces are well-entrenched and the army
laying siege is entirely incompetent. Oh,
and so much for the notion that threatening Edmure Tully would sway the
Blackfish from keeping his new prize.
Jamie’s attempt to parly is rebuffed rather nicely, which seems to give
Jamie little recourse but to prepare for an assault. As expected, a Battle of Riverrun is brewing
in the near future.
But this still raises the question of what
might happen once Brienne arrives. Could
she persuade Jamie that there is a much bigger fight than the one he was tasked
with by the High Sparrow? It seems
doubtful, but stranger things have happened.
It is equally possible (and perhaps narratively necessary) for Jamie and
Brienne to face each other on the battlefield, but I’m hoping that the writers
will do something a little less expected.
Volantis: Theon and Yara stop
here on the way to Slaver’s Bay, and it’s hard to see what the point of the exercise
is. An excuse to have Yara be libertine
and remind the audience that Theon doesn’t have the equipment for it
anymore? Or simply to push Theon into
getting his attitude back, now that he’s not Reek anymore? It seems the latter, though one would hope
that he would find some middle ground between his former arrogance and his
current over-humility.
Arya the Still-Blind: At least, that’s
what she must be, not to see the attack from the Waif coming a mile away. How Arya survives being gutted is a bit of a
mystery, never mind getting back on her feet and walking around, but one would
have expected her sudden sense of paranoia in the streets of Braavos would have
been in place the minute she turned on the Faceless Men. At least we know her story isn’t over, and it’s
likely that her feud with the Waif will end very soon. Whether or not this is what Jaqen wants, or he
is next on the list, remains to be seen.
If there is a major concern with three episodes left for the season, it’s the possibility that all these brewing conflicts will interfere with one another when it comes to adequate screen time. There’s an outside chance that Riverrun will be a red herring and those forces will all move on Winterfell from the south, but even then, the battle to retake Winterfell is going to coincide with whatever happens in Meereen at this point. That’s a lot to cover in a short period of time.
- The Hound returns and looks ready to inflict some pain
- The preparations to retake Winterfell are definitely intriguing
- What exactly was the point of the scene in Volantis?
- Arya seemed to forget the capabilities of her opponents rather quickly