Game of Thrones 4.04: Oathkeeper
Bryan Cogman
Michelle MacLaren
I wasn’t sure what kind of pacing we were
going to see during the fourth season, given that the writers had to finish out
the plot threads of the third novel and find a reasonable path forward to cover
volumes four and five. It’s now fairly
clear that the events between the Red Wedding and the end of the third novel
will dominate the landscape, but elements of the fourth and fifth book are
already creeping in. In fact, this
episode raises the possibility that story elements and revelations from books
yet to be published are being introduced!
It’s hard not to start a commentary on this
episode without acknowledging the ongoing controversy of the rape scene in
“Breaker of Chains”. It seems pretty
clear from the tone and interactions within this episode that it was not meant
to be that definitive a situation, or it should have been a far more dominant
portion of the conversation between Jamie and Cersei in this episode. Instead, beyond a scathing comment from
Cersei at the very start, the rest of the conversation went about as well as
any of their recent interactions.
I’m not entirely inclined to give the writers
and producers a pass on this, though; not quite knowing how to navigate the
tricky narrative waters of consent that they effectively introduced when
changing the point at which Jamie re-entered King’s Landing is their own
self-inflicted wound. Some point to the
apparent desire of HBO to cater to the more prurient elements of the audience,
but there have always been more fitting ways to do so; the universe of Game of Thrones is hardly puritanical.
I prefer to go by what is implied by the
narrative, rather than assign damning personal labels of sexism or misogyny on
the writers/producers. (I’ll leave such
judgments to others.) In this case, if
one takes the scenes with Cersei as they seem to have been intended, then it
fits the picture of Jamie trying to reclaim the world he lost when Robb took
him prisoner. The conversation with
Cersei in this episode makes it very clear that he can never go back, and now
that he sees his father’s and sister’s hate and cruelty for what it is, right
down to what those lessons created in Joffrey, he has started down a different
It’s important to point out that redemption
is not an objective goal; there is no hard criteria to establish when a person
has or has not earned redemption. It
certainly isn’t for the individual who has committed the wrongs for which he
seeks atonement; personal forgiveness in no way mandates forgiveness from
others. I have no idea if George R.R.
Martin intends to finish out his epic with some kind of definitive redemption
achieved by Jamie, thus implying that every reader should agree, but the smart
move for the next couple of seasons (at least) would be for Jamie to act to
redeem his former decisions and leave it to others to decide if he has earned
it. That would, in turn, give the
audience the ability to debate the matter and come to their own personal
His actions with Brienne are a reasonable
start. He gives her everything she needs
to begin the quest to save Sansa, including his own heirloom sword, a set of
armor, and a squire. This also gives the
character of Podrick something different to do, which serves a greater purpose. Having Brienne roam Westeros in search of
Sansa on her own would be difficult to translate to the screen; having a
familiar face around to help add some variables to the quest is a smart move.
Meanwhile, Sansa is beginning to realize that
she is basically now a pawn in Littlefinger’s game, which means she went from one
bad situation right into another. But
her confusion and indignation make for the perfect opportunity for a bit of
exposition, such as rolling out the entire regicide plot. Littlefinger had designs, and so did Olenna
Tyrell. For Olenna, it was getting rid
of a monster so Margaery could become queen to a far more manageable King
Tommen. For Littlefinger, it’s all about
causing the chaos that allows him to rise above the fray and take control of
the outcome.
I haven’t seen many comments on Margaery’s seduction
of Tommen, which thankfully was more playful and only mildly suggestive. Any teenager, even one barely into puberty
(and I’m not sure Tommen is, actually), would have very little reason to object
to Margaery sneaking into his bedroom.
It’s been very clear from the start that Margaery knows her way around a
seduction, and anyone who has seen The
Tudors knows that Natalie Dormer can pull it off with remarkable realism.
Meanwhile, over in Essos, Daenerys manages to
spark a slave revolt and dish out a bit of “justice”. It doesn’t take long for her banner to
replace the golden harpy of Meereen, but I can’t help but notice that she’s
added a lot of mouths to feed. And
unless all those former Masters are dead, this is going to get very messy. Dany’s decision smacks of the kind of pride
that precedes a fall, and as I’ve said before, failure is often a better
teacher than success. (Not to mention
that it’s still a bit messy over in Westeros, so the timing isn’t quite right
for her to return, anyway.)
Up at the Wall, Jon is trying to get the
Night’s Watch on the right path, and there are some who see him as a
potentially good leader. Others, not so
much; Locke is basically going along with Jon’s plan to wipe out the traitors
up at Craster’s Keep because Jon thinks Bran is there, and he’s been assigned
to kill Bran (and Rickon, if anyone even remembers that he exists) by the
Boltons. Clearly this is why Bran’s gang
makes the surprising detour to Craster’s, which is not how it plays out in the
source material. A confrontation between
Locke, Bran, and Jon is meant, it seems, to keep the action flowing until Mance
hits the Wall in, presumably, the ninth episode of the season!
Speaking of Craster’s, I don’t think I’ve
wanted a group of people dead more than the traitors, and that’s saying
something when it comes to Game of
Thrones. I mentioned in the review
for “Breaker of Chains” that Sam’s concern about Gilly’s welfare doesn’t quite
take into account what she endured as one of Craster’s daughter-wives. Well, if she could see what was happening
there now, she’d probably stop complaining about working in that brothel. Did we really need to see that the traitors
were raping the women? I mean, they are
clearly depraved, and we’ve been reminded time and again that a lot of the
questionable members of the Night’s Watch were convicted of rape. That would have been enough, I think!
Since we’re above the Wall, it seems appropriate that the final topic be the most shocking: the revelation that the White Walkers were taking the male children from Craster and transforming them into new members of their kind. This would apparently be how they reproduce, which was not at all covered in the books that have seen print. Is this something that the producers pulled forward based on information from Martin, or is this something that Martin never intended to reveal? Whatever the case, this is one of those instances where reading the books beforehand didn’t matter one bit.
- The quick reveal about the plot against Joffrey
- The shocking reveal about the White Walkers
- Jon Snow is showing some personality for once!
- Seriously, enough with using rape as a plot device!