Game of Thrones 7.04: The Spoils of War
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
Matt Shakman
This short seventh season hits its midpoint
with a change in the game, as Daenerys finally ignores conventional wisdom and “fights
like a dragon”. Or with a dragon, which
is just as good in this instance. It’s
the kind of scene that fans have been waiting for since the very beginning,
which also serves to remind everyone watching that there are less than ten
episodes left of the entire series. Even
so, this season is merely setting the stage, it seems, for the true endgame in
the final season.
Dany Takes Flight (and Names): Probably best to
begin with the ending: that long battle sequences with Dany and her dragon
roasting the bulk of the Lannister forces on the way back from Highgarden is a
wonder to behold. There was every reason
to believe, given the death toll thus far this season, that Bronn was going to
be the next high-profile victim. After
all, there’s still a bit more for Jamie to do before he can reach the natural
end of his journey.
And after the previous episode emphasizing that
Jamie is the type to learn from his mistakes, it wouldn’t be surprising for him
to either learn from the mistakes made in this battle or to realize his errors
when it comes to Cersei. One gets the
sense that he has important decisions to make before the end of the saga, given
his previous status as the Kingslayer. I
still believe he will end up killing Cersei and then taking his own life.
Tyrion’s Struggle: The Hand of the Queen
sees his role as chief advisor somewhat usurped, and then he sees Lannister
soldiers being turned to ash in front of his eyes. It’s more than enough to give anyone pause,
but I sincerely hope it is not a portent that Tyrion might betray
Daenerys. For one thing, as much as he
has been engaged in some questionable dealings, he has usually been one of the
more principled characters to date. I
hope, instead, that this simply prompts him to challenge Dany to consider how
she will be perceived, now that her message has been delivered. (And my suspicion that he is, in fact, the
third Targaryen might sway him to retain his current allegiance should it be
Preparing for Winter: Dany’s attack will hurt King’s Landing in the
sense of how long they can last in a brutal winter; in Winterfell, the same
concerns are at the top of the list.
While it’s true that none of it matters if the White Walkers can’t be
stopped, preparing for the rough days ahead is still a priority. And of course, it makes certain alliances a
bit more reasonable to understand, especially when it comes to the Starks and
Siblings Reunited: Arya finally returns
home and it is a wonderful series of scenes to behold. It’s poignant to hear the names of long
departed characters again, which underscores how long it has been since the
Starks were truly all gathered in Winterfell.
Arya and Sansa have a fitting reunion in the crypts, surrounded by reminders
of all they have lost, and everything that will propel them to ensure future
survival. And how ridiculously awesome
was the sparring match between Arya and Brienne?
Yet all is not warm and fuzzy in
Winterfell. Sansa is clearly bothered by
just how much Arya has changed, and Littlefinger is far too pleased at the
sight for things to go smoothly. When
Sansa feels threatened, she still tends to let down her guard, and there is too
much story still left to tell for anyone to be confident that she won’t be
influenced to give Littlefinger advantage while Jon is occupied elsewhere. There’s a lot of reason to believe that
Littlefinger’s motives in giving Bran that dagger might play into the dynamics
as well.
Jon and Dany Bond: The moment draws
nearer, I’m sure, when Jon will discover his true parentage and things will
change dramatically for him, especially in relation to Dany. For now, they bond over rather convenient
petroglyphs in the caves below Dragonstone.
This conflict isn’t simply multi-generational, but primordial, and the
resolution of the current threat may well require a solution that brings in a
new age for the Westerosi. At this
point, there is a stirring of attraction between aunt and nephew, which would
seem disturbing if it wasn’t actually more distant a relationship than previous
Targaryen rulers.
Yet, for all that it fits the actual source material’s matter-of-fact treatment of royal incest (despite the judgment placed on the Jamie/Cersei pairing), it’s hard to imagine that the writers are going to take the most obvious pairing in the entirety of the saga and bring it to fruition. Literally everything points to a Dany/Jon romance, yet in the adaptation (unlike where the books have left things dangling), there is no sign that Dany can still bear children. So it seems likely this is giving Jon/Dany fans something to work with, before the real ending delivers a different outcome.
- The long battle sequence with Dany, a dragon, and lots of roasted Lannisters
- Arya’s sparring match with Brienne
- Can someone please put a dagger in Littlefinger’s throat already?