Game of Thrones 4.07: Mockingbird
David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
Alik Sakharov
It’s amazing to think that the season is
already driving towards a conclusion. It
may not quite feel that way, but the usual pattern means that the biggest
moments are coming in just a couple episodes.
That means that a lot of this episode is still setting the stage, even
as some plot threads continue to come to a head.
If Joffrey’s death wasn’t meaningful enough
to set this season apart in terms of body count, then removing Lysa from the
board gets the ball rolling. And it wasn’t
entirely surprising to anyone, I should think.
Littlefinger hasn’t gotten this far, knocking over the anthills to have
a hand in making something “better”, by allowing his confederates to live very
long. Lysa was ever a means to an end,
and with Sansa taking a stronger hand in controlling Robin, that’s who Petyr
needs to get what he wants.
What’s interesting is that the events in the
Vale don’t quite seem entirely connected to what is happening elsewhere in Westeros. If Littlefinger has a grand plan in mind, it’s
not entirely clear what that plan might be.
Certainly it seems that the events in King’s Landing are a lot more important
to the immediate future, especially from the Lannister perspective.
Tywin and Cersei seem to have everything well
in hand, even if Tyrion threw a wrench in Tywin’s scheme to get his heir back
in Casterly Rock where he “belongs”.
Tyrion may have bought himself some time with the maneuver, but now the
problem is selecting a champion. And for
all Tyrion’s hopes that Jamie would turn out to be equally talented with his
left arm, he’s not in a position to stand against the Mountain. And Bronn, all too expectedly, has been
bought out of Tyrion’s service.
In one of the more obvious narrative terms,
with the Mountain serving as Cersei’s champion, there’s really only one logical
choice. And in fact, Oberyn Martell
steps up to the plate without pretending that his personal vengeance isn’t the
driving force behind his choice. But he
also takes some time to express his distaste for Cersei’s hatred of her
diminutive brother, which makes sense given how attitudes in Dorne are a bit
more forgiving. Whatever the case, this
much-foreshadowed confrontation is going to happen with some very serious
stakes involved.
Over in Meereen, Daenerys continues to run
into the issues of administrating a small empire. With Yunkai and Astapor back to their brutal
ways, the situation needs to be rectified.
Dany’s plan for Yunkai initially sounds completely tone deaf; she seems
to have forgotten that killing the slavemasters in Astapor led to the rise of
the even more evil Cleon. Jorah, despite
leading with jealousy over her off-screen tryst with Daario, manages to give
her the most balanced advice on the subject.
(And how wonderful was it to see Dany’s relationship with Daario
rendered in very different power dynamics than the source material?)
Jorah’s usefulness as an advisor seems to be
getting a highlight here because that letter from King’s Landing, informing
Dany of Jorah’s previous spying on the behalf of the Baratheons/Lannisters, is
going to hurt that much more as a result.
If Dany feels she can no longer trust Jorah at all, then who will she be
listening to in the days to come? This
season is making it very clear that Dany is struggling with ruling Slaver’s
Bay, and without Jorah, things could get ugly.
Over on Dragonstone, Stannis is preparing to
leave, though it’s not said where he is going.
To prepare, Melisandre is bathing, and damn if she doesn’t show a bit of
concern over her nakedness when Selyse walks in the door. It does seem a bit excessive, regardless of
how much I appreciate Carice Van Houten’s physique, but it does reinforce that
Melisandre is the one firmly in control.
Even Selyse’s jealousy can’t overcome the notion that Melisandre is the
voice of the Lord of Light.
Meanwhile, those on the road continue to
wander a bit. One interesting turn of
events is the accelerated pacing of Brienne’s journey to find the Stark girls,
which involves a lot of traveling throughout Westeros in the existing source
material. Pod’s suggestion that they
should check the Eyrie is a big change, because it suggests events that shouldn’t
happen until much, much later in the story.
Not that the writers don’t accelerate plot threads when necessary, but
let’s just say that they will run out of existing source material sooner rather
than later if they don’t watch themselves.
A lot of the Adventures of Arya and the Hound
feel padded out, though there is some indication that Arya is becoming the
hardened one, while the Hound is approaching his limit. This pairing can only last so much longer
before it feels entirely redundant, but there are some nice callbacks to the
second season when Biter and Rorge appear on the scene. Arya’s mildly stylish killing of Rorge proves
that she has overcome whatever internal moral resistance she might have
retained, which is a step in the direction that has been foreshadowed
If there is a weakness to the episode, it’s that the traveling characters have scenes that seem more designed to resolve minor lingering plot threads from previous seasons than show progression in their own right. Part of that is a problem caused by the source material; much of what happens is roughly equivalent to pieces moving around on the chess board, with big moves happening only so often. Those moments are happening, as the death of Lysa Arryn demonstrates, but some characters feel perpetually in very slow transit.
- Littlefinger’s decision regarding Lysa
- Oberyn’s explanation for his choice about Tyrion
- Arya’s solution to the Rorge problem
- Brienne and Pod’s sojourning