Sansa confronts Littlefinger about what he knew of Ramsay's intentions; Arya gets an opportunity to prove herself; Bran is transported to a dangerous place; Tyrion envisions an unusual alliance; Brienne undertakes an important new mission.
Tyrion makes a deal while stalling for Daenerys return; Theon tries to make amends for the past; Jorah and Daario realize their next move won't be an easy one; Cersei discusses Margaery's future with Olenna.
Bran glimpses the past; Daenerys learns what's in store for her; Tommen faces the High Sparrow; Arya trains to be No One; Varys comes up with a solution to a vexing problem; Ramsay gets a gift.
Bran trains under the guidance of the Three-Eyed Raven; Tommen gets advice from Jaime; Tyrion must get creative to find good news; Thorne has the support of the Night's Watch; Balon Greyjoy hears several proposals; Ramsay comes up with a new plan.
Stannis is on the march in the Season 5 finale. Meanwhile, Cersei seeks forgiveness; Jon faces a new challenge; and Daenerys finds herself surrounded by strangers.
Jon returns to the Wall; Arya runs into someone from her past; Mace visits the Iron Bank; Stannis faces a difficult decision; Daenerys oversees a celebration of athleticism.
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