An action-drama series following rookie detective James Gordon as he battles villains and corruption in pre-Batman Gotham City.
Gordon and Bullock are on the case when a new euphoric but lethal drug hits the streets. Elsewhere, Oswald Cobblepot integrates himself into Maroni's inner circle; and Fish Mooney continues to set her targets on Falcone.
Gordon and Bullock act quickly to protect members of the Arkham city council as they prepare for a dangerously controversial vote. Meanwhile, Gordon gets a visit from an old friend.
A vigilante goes after corrupt Gotham citizens and kills them by hooking them up to weather balloons. Elsewhere, Oswald Cobblepot returns to the city and aligns himself with a powerful ally.
A child-trafficking ring is investigated, and one of the victims is Selina Kyle. Elsewhere, Penguin blazes a bloody trail back to Gotham.
Rookie detective James Gordon battles villains and corruption in the premiere of this action-adventure series set in pre-Batman Gotham City.