Grimm 6.02: Trust Me Knot
David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf
John Gray
There is a certain comfort to be taken amidst
the chaos of this final season of Grimm. The fabric of society in Portland is falling
apart, and as we see in this episode, the non-Wesen world doesn’t have the
slightest clue why this is all going to hell.
It’s an interesting perspective, but it also goes a long way towards
showing the audience how fully committed the writers are to the endgame. What kind of confidence can the city and those
paying attention worldwide have that things won’t turn relentlessly violent?
The circumstances of the episode allow Team
Grimm some breathing room to do more than live on the run for the remainder of
the series, and that’s a good thing. It’s
not that everyone is necessarily safe and able to return to their old lives
unimpeded, but Renard is a bit more limited in the scope of his activities for
a time. He might be exonerated and able
to wiggle out of the Grimm version of
the “unbreakable vow” by the end, but he has to be more strategic in his
actions. Forcing Hank and Wu to resign
is going to change the game, though, if there isn’t a reversal quickly in the
This change of circumstances also takes Adalind
out of the bind she was in with Renard and lets her return to Nick’s corner,
which the show convinced us last season is where she belongs. I like the idea that, at least in theory,
Adalind is the one person able to force Nick and Renard into some kind of
mutually beneficial truce. She’s still
treated like something of a trophy by both men, which is problematic, but she’s
doing a capable job of holding her own.
While it’s a little odd that Monroe and Roselee
can simply decide to go back to their old lives, given that their alignment
with Team Grimm is certainly known by Renard and his allies, it makes sense
that they would be the ones to keep an eye on Adalind’s children. Who else would be able to handle Diana’s
casual use of power without prompting a violent outburst? Also, since they work with Team Grimm, it
puts Diana in the right place to see the cloth holding the Wand, which means the
two uber-powerful items in the series now appear to be connected. (Speaking of the Wand, is Nick getting a
little too possessive? Will he call it
his “precious”?) This either will make
them more manageable or prove to make them even more difficult to contain from
a narrative perspective, but we’ll see how that progresses.
The only real downside to the episode is how Juliette/Eve is being handled. She’s caught between her two personas, and the result is something closer to having no personality at all. Just what is her purpose in the narrative at this point?
- The chaos in Portland seems more manageable after this episode
- Renard is shaping up to be the perfect endgame Big Bad
- Juliette’s role in the narrative is still ill-defined