Guys on a Show

Episode 15: “Collectibles (and the Backdoor)”

A shocking event happened to eXtofer’s backdoor that kept him from a show last week…

#PokemonGo fever is sweeping the nation…

A new app gives you even more elaborate filters for your #selfies…

Is anyone reading the #TermsOfService ? We have scientific proof now that you don’t…

We discuss #collecting . What have you collected as a kid? As an adult?…

Download the MP3! - 55MB, 58 minutes 31 seconds

Podcast by - 7/14/2016 8:22 AM716 views


7/21/2016 1:11 PM

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yeah I could sense what rob was going for in the opening, but in all seriousness that does suck :(

wow that episode escalated quickly. XD
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