Henry Tran

Henry Tran is a regular contributor of review for Critical Myth; The Critical Myth Show is heard here on VOG Network's radio feed Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You can follow him on twitter at @HenYay

Trapped face-to-face with the Punisher, Daredevil wrestles with the morality of vigilante justice. Meanwhile, Foggy and Karen work to save the firm.

Marvel's Daredevil by - 4/5/2016 6:17 AM Comments (0)

The Flash arrives in National City from an alternate universe. He teams up with Supergirl to battle the villains Livewire and Silver Banshee, in exchange for Supergirl's help finding him a way to return home.

Supergirl by - 3/29/2016 6:13 AM Comments (1)

As Murdock recovers from an attack, Foggy and Karen fight to protect their new client from both the law and the Kitchen's newest vigilante.

Marvel's Daredevil by - 3/28/2016 6:39 AM Comments (0)

Barry and the team head out for a night on the town only to encounter an unexpected speedster who is up to no good. Meanwhile, Iris is challenged by an assignment from her new boss and is surprised when friction turns to flirtation.

The Flash by - 3/25/2016 9:51 AM Comments (0)

Hell's Kitchen has calmed, but it's not out of the fire yet. When an unknown vigilante begins to take the fight to the streets in a big and bloody way, Matt Murdock must don the mask of Daredevil to stop him before innocent people end up in the crossfire.

Marvel's Daredevil by - 3/21/2016 8:36 AM Comments (0)

The Season 2 finale finds everyone facing a mission they may not come back from as Peggy urges Howard Stark to eliminate Zero Matter.

Marvel's Agent Carter by - 3/4/2016 7:55 AM Comments (0)

Peggy and Sousa propose a trade with Whitney Frost; at the same time, the key to eliminating Zero Matter could result from Howard Stark collaborating with the SSR. Peggy endures a shocking betrayal as she moves forward with a dangerous plan to save Dr. Wilkes and stop Whitney Frost. Meanwhile, a startling act by Thompson puts everyone in jeopardy.

Marvel's Agent Carter by - 2/26/2016 10:33 AM Comments (0)

Peggy recruits an unexpected adversary when she realizes she needs help saving Wilkes; and Whitney makes an effort to control the dangerous Zero Matter; Peggy plots a rescue mission, while Whitney searches for even more dark power; and Jarvis comes to learn that he shouldn't make promises he can't keep.

Marvel's Agent Carter by - 2/19/2016 8:20 AM Comments (0)

On Earth-2, the team races to find Zoom's lair and seeks help from the most unexpected source. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Caitlin rushes to perfect Velocity-9 so Jay can stop the Geomancer.

The Flash by - 2/18/2016 8:24 AM Comments (0)

In the season finale, Jessica and Luke get help from someone in the neighborhood and Kilgrave prepares for Jessica to test his powers.

Marvel's Jessica Jones by - 2/17/2016 6:41 AM Comments (0)