Horde House

Episode 140: Do Random Boys Come Over and Touch Your Hearthstone?

Ghemit from the Lets WoW Podcast is back on our program tonight to talk about his on again, off again time with World of Warcraft. What’s caused him to go back to the game, then leave, then come back again? We talk about hopes and desires for WoW’s future, as well as some of the other games that he’s played in the interim. We might also get to hear from the “awesome guy” famous from his Twitter.

Diablo 3 had a huge update this week. How has feedback to the game been? What all has changed? We discuss some of the feedback with our listeners. Then Rob throws a LOT of shade at an upcoming MMO, sure to generate an e-mail or two… oops.

All this and MORE on the show about ALL things online gaming but NEVER too SRSLY– HORDE HOUSE!

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Download the MP3! - 42MB, 1 hour 29 minutes 11 seconds

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