Horde House

Episode 163: Wallow in my own Fat and Despair

Did you hear the one about Titan getting cancelled? Oh, you did? Well okay, we still give our perspectives on this game we may never know truly about… or have some leaks on the inside shown that this game may have a lot in common with a recently released console success?

We tackle the news coming from other MMO’s as well, including a free trial starting very soon for Guild Wars 2, as well as a patch title reveal for Final Fantasy XIV’s next major content patch!

All this and MORE on the show about ALL things online gaming but NEVER too SRSLY- HORDE HOUSE!

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Download the MP3! - 42MB, 1 hour 27 minutes 40 seconds

Podcast by - 9/24/2014 9:16 PM129 views


9/25/2014 4:52 AM

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Good episode last night.

With Blizzard cancelling Titan, Maybe its for the best, It could have been difficult for them to maintain 2 MMOs, Considering all the time and resources they spend on WoW with all its Content.
9/26/2014 9:29 AM

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Just to be clear, because Grandpa can't seem to be able to let it go, Blizzard never technically announced Titan. It was leaked, then confirmed to be something that was being worked on.

I know it's a technicality, but Blizzard never promised us this game.

As far as the relation to Destiny, I don't really buy that either. Maybe if Destiny was a colossal flop then Titan would have gained more steam, but I still don't really think the two projects had any effect on each other. Activision just published the game. Blizz and Bungie are the respective developers, just like a different developer makes Call of Duty.
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