Horde House

Episode 172: Slap a Sunshine Bass Kick

The crew is back this week, and after some discussion on the lolzy weather in Northern California, Rob talks about some of his feelings about the WoW expansion and other games he’s been spending his time with. Then we get into the news, where Xtofer talks about a game that’s gone thru quite a turnaround. Can we forgive a game that was once bad?

Grampa gets into some tweets and an e-mail regarding a release schedule that’s just too crazy, but are our hosts able to stay on topic? Never!

All this and MORE on the show about ALL things online gaming but NEVER too SRSLY- HORDE HOUSE!

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Download the MP3! - 36MB, 1 hour 16 minutes 17 seconds

Podcast by - 12/17/2014 9:58 PM350 views


12/18/2014 9:09 AM

1 0

Hey Xtofer brah, since I know where you live, I'm going to drop off a USB mic nearby, you can go pick it up. I want to hear your voice tones clearly so I can fap.

Happy holidays one and all.

12/18/2014 9:51 AM

1 0

There's another Horde House Holiday Special coming up? I better get going on my letter writing contest entry!
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