Horde House

Episode 183: Let's talk about Hex, Baby!

In this episode broadcast live on March 25th, our hosts recap the news of the week including an update on Diablo 3 seasons as well as PETS being added to one popular MMO. Special guest Degenerate Johnny joins us to give fresh perspective on some other online games besides the ones our hosts usually play, including Hex and SWTOR.

All this and MORE on the show about ALL things online gaming but NEVER too SRSLY- HORDE HOUSE!

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Participate with Horde House each week on the VOG Network Wednesdays @ 7PM Pacific, 10PM Eastern http://VOGNetwork.com
Please note that as multiple episodes of Horde House will be released to the feed this week, there is no check-in passphrase. Sorry!

Download the MP3! - 40MB, 1 hour 25 minutes 21 seconds

Podcast by - 4/1/2015 10:15 PM729 views


4/1/2015 10:21 PM

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Please note that as multiple episodes of Horde House will be released to the feed this week, there is no check-in passphrase. Sorry!

(184, releasing on Friday, will have a passphrase)
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