Horde House

Episode 185: Just Bedazzle Your Box!

Tonight we talk about a cross-platform fighting game that bridges the gap between the old and new Playstation platforms. Could a trend that allows cross-play between PS3 and PS4 continue, or is the PS3 too much on it’s way out the door?

Also, the controversial WoW Token launches in World of Warcraft, and some of the hosts are surprised at how things have been playing out in the WoW Token economy so far. All this and MORE on this episode taped April 8th, 2015.

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Download the MP3! - 34MB, 1 hour 12 minutes 54 seconds

Podcast by - 4/15/2015 11:33 PM683 views


4/16/2015 7:42 AM

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Amazing new logo. Love it!
4/16/2015 9:44 AM

2 0

Thank you... all credit to Cody aka "Codeman" who really fixed us up on that one. We'd been using the Warcraft graphics a bit over their welcome. Still a big place in our hearts for Warcraft, as was brought up I think on this episode or the episode before, but this graphic is such a better representation of where our show is currently at between console, PC/Mac, Wine and Swearing :)
4/16/2015 12:57 PM

0 0

It's really fantastic! I noticed all those little representations of the show as well. Outstanding work by Codeman.
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