Horde House

Episode 186: Now that we're Besties...

We are happy to be joined on this episode by Raven from Girls Gone WoW, who woke up at an obscene hour in her local time to join us on the show! Since our regular hosts are out of the loop a bit on WoW, Raven catches us up with what has been going on in the game. Rob shares some experiences of buying tickets for this years Blizzcon, of which he seems to have had better luck than most people on the internet.

In the news tonight, we discuss the “official” launch of Heroes of the Storm, even though everyone is already playing it. We dip into news on casual/kid MMOs as one of the bigger ones in that field is scaling back, and then we talk about- llamacoles?

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Download the MP3! - 46MB, 1 hour 37 minutes 40 seconds

Podcast by - 4/27/2015 11:14 PM718 views


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