Horde House

Episode 190: Muffin Banana

The World of Warcraft looks to not make flying a part of their current expansion, and many of the players are NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. Also, one major MOBA takes pro-active steps to automatically deal with toxic players, but could it be one step too far in the direction of automation? Rob, Xtofer and Grandpa discuss the latest in online gaming on this episode broadcast live on May 27th

All this and MORE on the show about ALL things online gaming but NEVER too SRSLY- HORDE HOUSE!

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VOG PARTICIPANTS PLEASE NOTE - There is no passphrase in this episode due to the late posting. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your continued support.

Download the MP3! - 36MB, 1 hour 16 minutes 14 seconds

Podcast by - 6/10/2015 8:51 PM682 views


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