Horde House

Episode 191: Adorey Fedory

Heroes with the Storm is a go! Our friend Aramis joins us tonight to talk about the launch of Heroes of the Storm, including tips for new players, and some thoughts from being at the Heroes of the Dorm event live!

We also talk with our guest about a recent post from Blizzard going back a bit on the original decision on flying in Draenor. Will the fans find the “compromise” to be satisfying? Final Fantasy XIV and Elder Scrolls Online round out our week in the news.

All this and MORE on the show about ALL things online gaming but NEVER too SRSLY- HORDE HOUSE!

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Download the MP3! - 42MB, 1 hour 29 minutes 40 seconds

Podcast by - 6/10/2015 9:20 PM779 views


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