Horde House

Episode Ninety-Five: Surprise, it's Destiny!

Mere hours before the LIVE broadcast of this week’s show, Blizzard took the stage at the Sony Playstation 4 event to unveil Diablo 3 for PS3 & PS4. What could this move and “strategic partnership” mean for other Blizzard games such as WoW? Is WoW something we would even want on a console? We ask our Facebook listeners this week…

In 5.2 developments, it appears we might have a small delay if the PvP seasons are an indication, but these things are to be expected so don’t be too disappointed.All this and MORE including the tweets, e-mails and news on the show about ALL things World of Warcraft but NEVER too SRSLY– HORDE HOUSE!

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Download the MP3! - 31MB, 1 hour 4 minutes 43 seconds

Podcast by - 2/20/2013 8:52 PM98 views


2/21/2013 1:59 PM

3 0

I think what will happen is Diablo 3 on the PS3 and PS4 will have some sort of integration with the Blizzard accounts. Much like how Steam integrates with your PSN account for Portal 2. We could see something like that for Cross Platform play between the PS3, PS4 and PC version of Diablo 3.
2/21/2013 5:06 PM

1 0

That's a really good theory I wish we'd explored last night... and I think someone should ask (if it hasn't already been) how battle.net will work with PS3/4
2/20/2013 9:12 PM

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Thanks for reading my comment on the Facebook Question of the Week, It was a good show this week with this weeks news. :)
2/21/2013 12:59 PM

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I think the Facebook Question of the Week should become a feature in all the VOG shows!
2/21/2013 5:09 AM

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Finally able to catch some of the live stream. Great stuff and can't wait for next week!

Could Blizzard's addition of D3 on the PS3 & PS4 consoles have implications for Project Titan? i.e., could Titan be a cross-platform game?
2/21/2013 11:15 AM

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I really hope so. I've never been much of a PC guy because I like how the console just plays everything no matter how old it is, even if they do have to dumb down the graphics a bit. I haven't been able to buy a new PC game in a couple years now because it's too outdated for most games even with graphics set to low.
2/21/2013 11:02 AM

1 0

I've been to BlizzCon twice and it was fun each time especially the first time. Also, both times we recouped the cost of the tickets (and hotel) by selling one of our goodie bags on eBay. Unfortunately, now that the goodie bags aren't so good, that probably isn't an option, but it was an awesome way to fund those early trips and it really was an experience you can't just have via reading blogs and watching the stream.
2/21/2013 11:12 AM

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As far as WoW on a console, I honestly don't think it will happen, but I wish it would. For the sake of this discussion, I'm going to ignore the issue of it working with a keyboard and mouse on the PS3, of course it would be able to do that, but if you are bringing a game to a console you MUST be able to use the controller if you want.

I actually used button mapping software to play WoW with a controller and it worked fairly well except for the movement of the character/camera and interacting with quest givers. If they can code for that stuff, which shouldn't be too hard, then mapping spells to button combinations is a breeze and I actually preferred that to using abilities/spells with a keyboard. The movement issues are what personally killed that little project for me.
2/22/2013 11:00 AM

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You know, with Diablo III coming to both the PS3 and PS4... I wonder if FFXIV A Realm Reborn will be released for both consoles as well?

Heck, maybe that's the thing Square-Enix is going to announce at E3.
2/24/2013 7:21 AM

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I think that's one of the things they're going to announce for sure.
2/26/2013 5:34 AM

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Looks like Diablo 3 on the PS3 and PS4 will have an Offline Play and no Cross Platform Play.
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