Horde House

Episode 106: Going Down

The internet is all a twitter about the latest Subscriber numbers for the game. Could there actually be some positives to this news? And what is the potential cause of the subscriber drop– and some potential solutions? Our hosts, including current AND former WoW players, explore the options that Blizzard might have.

Also, some Pandaria Collectors editions have randomly shown up. Buy ‘em before they end up at Big Lots! Also, Diablo 3 players were in for quite a shock when something that wasn’t supposed to happen ever in the game– did.

All this including tweets, e-mails, the facebook question of the week, and MORE on the show about ALL things World of Warcraft but NEVER too SRSLY– HORDE HOUSE!

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Download the MP3! - 34MB, 1 hour 10 minutes 50 seconds

Podcast by - 5/8/2013 8:55 PM50 views


5/9/2013 10:12 AM

2 0

This episode should have been titled Full Circle Fart. And yes, we know when Xtofer farts in the movie theater. It's terrible.

He's also into crop dusting people in the video store.
5/9/2013 8:49 AM

1 0

Xtofer seriously missed out on being Panera's version of Jared of the famous Subway diet. He lost something like 200 pounds eating mostly Panera for the longest time.
5/10/2013 6:34 PM

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Hearing the part when you're talking about how Blizzard can get back their members to pay and play WoW again, I think to myself: "Blizzard probably doesn't need to get members back, more like get NEW members. And how can they do it?"

Members can come and go, but I think new members could mean more for Activlizzard in the long run.
5/13/2013 9:04 AM

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I think the only way they can get new players is to re-engineer the game: character models and graphics, mainly. That would make existing users have to buy some sort of upgrade.
5/13/2013 12:03 PM

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I wonder what the Subs will be by the time BlizzCon Happens
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