I Love That Song! by Mike Ibarra

I Love that Song! -- Happy Birthday Kirby!

I Love that Song! -- Happy Birthday Kirby!

“Green Greens” by Jun Ishikawa

Keep on sucking, Kirby! ... Wait ...


Well, Kirby is now 20 years old. It sure has been a long since we first saw Kirby in the Game Boy with Kirby’s Dream Land and he is still young and full of energy. But if there is something that Kirby has done that other games hasn’t done, it is get me interested in Video Game Music.

If you know me, you already know my undying love for Kirby and his games but one of the reasons I like them is the music. Seriously, if I have something to thank Kirby for, it is for getting me into video game music. I could talk about how fun and ingenious his games are, and how Sakurai made one of the best video game franchises ever, or how adorable and vivid the Kirby Universe is but the thing that strikes me the most is the music.

Kirby has had some really great composers in his games, especially Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando. The former pretty much defined the game’s musical style, which is quite vast if you ask me. It varies from really upbeat happy songs to really epic compositions. And most songs have been adapted or arranged to different genres, from orchestral to rock. There is not a single song in the whole franchise that I don’t like. This made the decision on which song to feature in this article a really hard one, but in the end I think I made the choice that everyone would’ve made, Green Greens.

Probably the most recognizable Kirby song in the whole franchise, Green Greens is the prime example of how most Kirby songs are. A really uplifting song and it gets right into the game in the very first level. And even If the Kirby games are not hard, for the most part, songs like Green Greens make the game more enjoyable than they already are. This song makes you go forward and beat the enemies in your path, it makes you want to beat the level and do your best. It is almost inspiring.

I could really go on and on about how awesome the Kirby soundtracks are and how the games are a total sensorial experience, but I think you get the idea by now. You really need to check out the rest of Kirby’s Dream Land soundtrack and listen for yourself how truly amazing it is (and that is only the first game). We may explore some more Kirby tracks in the future here in ILTS but for now that is all. I will just remind you to check out Kirby’s Dream Collection on the Wii and check out the Music CD it comes with it, you will not regret it.

Also, please be sure to check out the Requests Thread on the VOG Forums for suggestions and comments on future ILTS articles!

Until next time, keep on star ridin’!

Mike “deft” Ibarra is a staff writer for the VOG Network. You can follow him over at Twitter at @act_deft

I Love That Song! by - 10/23/2012 9:54 PM906 views


10/25/2012 10:01 AM

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Green Greens is one of my all-time favorite video game tracks as well. They even use it on the commercial for the Kirby Collection game! Great choice.
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