I Love That Song! by Mike Ibarra

I Love That Song - This is definitely Crazy

I Love That Song - This is definitely Crazy

"Call me a Hole" by Nine Inch Nails and Carly Rae Jepsen (mush-up by pomDeter)


So I just heard you, I’ll replay you maybe?

Here at VOG, we usually try to highlight indie stuff and not cover what most people already have heard (we are hipsters like that), but screw that! We bring you today two highly grossing and insanely popular artists, Carly Rae Jespen and Nine Inch Nails!

What do Carly Rae and NIN have in common you ask? Not much probably, if anything at all. But even if you hate them or love them, they have left a mark in music history. Carly Rae sings pop songs. Her widely popular “Call Me Maybe” is one of the most popular videos on YouTube and it is a quite catchy song. It was also nominated for a Grammy, but didn’t win. 

On the other hand, we have NIN who plays Industrial music; heavy beats with lots of dark lyrics. Unlike Carly, they have won not one but two Grammys! Not to mention that Trent Reznor, leader of NIN, has won awards of his own. Granted, Carly has just started her career while NIN has around 20 years of experience in the industry.

So yeah, why does a mush up between the two totally different songs work so well? Most mush-ups do not make a lot of sense. Here is where the Mush-up artists or mixers come in to play. They have to adjust the vocals and the songs beat and rhythm to make it work like it does. Though there are some songs that just fit perfectly in any situation (like “Space Jam”).

This mush-up in particular is interesting, because of the contrasting elements in each song. “Call me maybe” is upbeat, cheerful and the lyrics are a “love” story of sorts. While “Head like a hole” is… well, it is dark. Even fans have a hard time interpreting what most of NIN songs mean. May it be about sex, drugs, politics, government, and etc. Many hate this mush-up probably because of that. But kind of like Johnny Cash covering NIN’s “Hurt”, you have to appreciate the work that went to making this, even if it is just a joke.

Whether you hate it or love it, you must give props to pomDeter for making this work like it does. Check more of his stuff over at https://soundcloud.com/pomdeterrific.

Well, that is all for now on ILTS. Opinions, like always, are welcome and of course suggestions for future articles. You can either leave a message in the comments section below or head out to the requests thread too.

Until next time, keep on foolin’!

Also available at: https://soundcloud.com/pomdeterrific/pomdeter-call-me-a-hole

Mike “deft” Ibarra is a staff writer for the VOG Network. You can follow him over at Twitter at @act_deft

I Love That Song! by - 3/31/2013 11:21 PM1029 views


4/1/2013 8:57 AM

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HA! An ILTS article right up Grandpa Warcraft's alley.

I seriously cracked up when I saw this as the featured article on the VOG site and even listened to the song, so congrats on a job well done.
4/2/2013 11:35 AM

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Thanks. I was thinking on writing this or making a "retraction/apology" article on Crazy Chocobo. But I think this worked better.

The article is written on a semi-serious note though and I actually do like the song/mash-up.
4/2/2013 1:30 PM

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To be honest, while I love Head Like a Hole I only made it through about half of the mash-up. I can't handle catchy, repetitive pop tunes because I am a grumpy old man.
Bobby Blackwolf
Bobby Blackwolf
4/3/2013 8:57 AM

1 0

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