Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 3.20: Emancipation
Craig Titley
Vincent Misiano
The upshot of Captain America: Civil War is that the Sokovia Accords (and the
absolute mess that resulted thanks to the philosophical disagreement between
Steve and Tony over the Accords) has forced the Inhumans and SHIELD back into
the limelight. At the very least, the
fact that the existence of an entire population of metahumans requires a
response thanks to the Accords makes it very hard to manage Hive quietly.
In particular, Coulson is not at all pleased
with having the decision of how to disposition his Secret Warriors team and the
Inhumans as a whole taken out of his hands.
And one can see his point, which aligns strongly with Steve’s issue:
what authority exists that can be trusted to assess and judge how metahumans
act? Of course, within the episode
itself, there is a laundry list of reasons why metahumans themselves (and their
SHIELD allies) might not do particularly well in handling the situation.
Let’s face it: SHIELD, Hydra, the Inhumans,
and plenty of associated metahuman activities have been responsible for a
pretty high death toll. In fact, while the
numbers are high in terms of New York, Sovokia, and DC, it’s possible that the
body count is higher on Agents of SHIELD
when all is said and done. That said, it’s
the impending loss of a team member by the end of the season that is the
highest concern for Team Coulson.
There are a lot of indications that Mack is
going to be the one in the crosshairs in the finale, but it shouldn’t be
overlooked that the team has been suffering losses all season long. Bobbie and Hunter may still be alive, but
they are lost to the team nonetheless.
This episode marks the death of Andrew/Lash, which was a sacrifice
necessary to get Daisy away from Hive (and none too soon). One way or another, this has been a deadly
One unfortunate side effect is that Andrew’s
final demise has really been an individual death-by-degrees, starting with the
slow but steady transformation into Lash.
And throughout, that has been something weighing on Agent May, though
not prominently enough from the standpoint of her character development. With only a couple episodes left this season,
will the writers really have the time to explore how Andrew’s death affects
May? I doubt they will, which is
Considering that Lash was a threat because he
felt he had the right to determine which Inhumans were worthy of the name, he
was the perfect person to oppose Hive’s plan to grant Inhuman abilities to a
wide (and untested) population. So it’s
interesting that some part of him was still “Andrew” enough to make the choice
between stopping Hive and saving Daisy.
From a certain point of view, saving Daisy could end up killing millions
of people. If that were to happen,
wouldn’t that be an interesting point of debate in the whole “oversight”
Agents of SHIELD is potentially in a better position than Civil War to tackle the philosophical question presented by the Sokovia Accords, and has been for quite some time. Are Inhumans a threat to be addressed by a government agency, are they a population that needs protection, or a little of both with factors that don’t fit into either box? SHIELD may work in the shadows, but how much risk should they be allowed to assume if failure could mean the mass destruction and death? Good questions with few easy answers.
- Good exploration of the themes raised in other ways in Civil War
- Lash vs. Hive was a logical progression of the season’s Inhuman exploration
- Andrew’s final demise and its effect on May probably won’t get the exploration it deserves