Marvel's Daredevil 2.01: Bang
Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez
hil Abraham
I'm all for building excitement about a new
product and finding out when it's released, but there needs to be an element of
surprise in order to really enjoy any sort of show. There's a reason why I
almost never watch a preview for the next episode of a show. I like to have as
little information as possible beforehand so as to preserve a little bit of
surprise and enjoyment for what's coming.
I put this statement in this review because
every trailer of this show on Netflix has given away the appearance of both the
Punisher and Elektra Natchios in the coming season. Elektra doesn't make an
appearance in the premiere, but Frank "The Punisher" Castle does,
even though he's never mentioned by that nickname, or any other name really.
The premiere actually functions as an extended, episode-long preview of what's
to come in Daredevil's second season. It's establishing the status quo. Wilson
Fisk is in prison, leaving the Nelson & Murdock law firm to take on smaller
cases within Hell's Kitchen. That's by day. By night, Matt Murdock becomes
Daredevil and takes out any number of petty criminals dumb enough to commit a
crime in an area patrolled by a costumed vigilante.
The first point, I think, is the key to what
will unfold through the course of the second season. Kingpin had specific plans
to take over Hell's Kitchen, thus capitalizing on the ruins created by the
Avengers nearly destroying New York City. Daredevil stopped all that.
Naturally, larger criminal organizations see Fisk's removal from the board as
license to come in and take what's left as ripe for the picking. The head of
the Irish mob makes this grand ol' speech about how nothing will stand in their
way and if someone or something does, then they're going to resort to violence
to put down resistance. Before the gang has even gotten a chance to input this
plan to action, they're all swiftly gunned down by what looks like an army
that's using military-grade hardware. We the audience, of course, knows this is
only the work of one man: The Punisher. It's amusing that the characters think
for a while that it's the work of an army, more dangerous and surgical in their
hits than the Irish mob or a biker gang that thinks they're a darker, tougher
version of SAMCRO from Sons of Anarchy.
The show holds back on introducing the
Punisher until the latter stages of the episode. In the interim, there's a
succession of very interesting scenes that provide some mysteries to fuel the
rest of the episodes in this season. Foggy, who has solidified his friendship
with Murdock in the wake of his knowledge of his partner's dual identity,
mentions that Karen has been asking questions about the number of injuries Matt
has sustained from his crimefighting. More than likely, Karen will find out
about the Daredevil connection before the season is out, which is really a
mirror of what happened to Foggy in the first season. It's suggested in the
pool scene that Karen may be harboring a crush on Matt, though that could be
misdirection. The way the scene is framed with Matt listening to a rapid heartbeat
could be him listening to Karen's or his intently focusing on the mysterious
man at the bar. If it is true that Karen has a crush on him, Elektra's entrance
into the fray will cause complications. We'll just have to see how things
unfold as the season goes along.
I actually really like the detective aspects
of this show, and that's not just a statement based on tying together Jessica Jones with this show. I really
enjoyed the extended sequence where Foggy investigates by himself what happened
to the Dogs of Hell biker gang. He clearly knows he's in over his head, being a
lawyer who talks to a bunch of street tough bikers, using the pretense that he
knew one of the members from their childhood days. Foggy is genuinely terrified
of the whole enterprise, which makes him much more endearing, and that fear
combined with some rather logical reasoning with one of the bikers gets him the
information he had been looking for.
If Wilson Fisk was a completely overwhelming sort of force, even as he kept up the pretense of being a higher class of criminal, then the Punisher is more surgical and clinical. He has that air of being unstoppable as well as the ability to just exist in the shadows, but we're unclear as to what his motivations are in any way. Is the show going to integrate his more famous backstory, where Castle is seeking revenge against those who brutally murdered his family? Or is something else going to happen? I think it may have something to do with the Hand, the shadow organization that operated in the background during the first season (with the exception of the "Stick" episode, we don't hear too much about the Hand). Did the Hand hire the Punisher to take out everyone who was going to dip their hands into what was Fisk's pie? One of the Irishmen's hands is missing (looks like it was hacked off through the bone) in the aftermath of the club massacre, and I don't think the attention paid to that particular detail by the CSI detective is something to be ignored. It's a literal signal that the Hand is coming for Hell's Kitchen, and initially, it looks like Daredevil is in over his head on this one. The Punisher fights with guns, not with hand-to-hand combat (Daredevil's specialty), and so our heroes must now adjust.
- The post-Kingpin world is shaping up to be fairly violent and interesting
- Foggy gets solid material and character development
- Was too much revealed in the trailers for the second season?